"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fishy, fishy, swimmmm in the water....

Hi Everyone!

Guess what? Tuesday our whole family took a field trip to the Tennessee Aquarium!! It was, as always, a lot of fun. I took a total of 157, of which the best 5 are displayed here.

Alison and I both got several squished pennies, which of course was a lot of fun.

Anyway, the best of the best pictures are displayed below. Enjoy!


P.S.-Remember, it's only 3 days till I go to camp this coming Sunday....;)

My pre-schooler sister Alison enjoyed looking at the fish.
"WHEE! Go, otter, go, go....."
"What a fine duck I am!"
"Hey, I'm handsome, too!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

A New Contest! ;)

Hi Everyone!

I got thinking to myself and thought that it would be fun to have another "Picture of the Month" contest. The pictures are in the post below, and as always the poll is in the sidebar.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Flower-Power shots!

Picture 1 ^^
Picture 2 ^^
Picture 3 ^^
Picture 4 ^^

Here's some of my best flower shots from yesterday.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Great Summer Fun!

This summer is going by SO fast! First graduation, then chemistry, then me winning a free week at camp, and then...MICHIGAN TRIP!

June 8-15 our family took our annual trip to MI to visit my grandparents. But it wasn't what we expected! We drove in to MI in a storm, a tornado to be exact! We prayed, and God kept us safe, but we were sure glad to reach Grandpa's!

But Grandpa had some sad news for us. The electricity had gone out about 15 min. before we got there! We had seen several big, strong, healthy trees downed on the road, so it's hard for me to say if we were surprised or not.

Thankfully Grandpa (Gpa) had a generator. He would run it in the morning and evening so we could use potties, fix meals, etc. and have some light. But let me tell you-it was a true highlight of our trip when the electricity came back on 3 days later!!!!

During the power outage who should arrive but my Uncle Brian from Arizona-who had thankfully brought his SORRY! game so he and I could play. During the week, we played over 20 games!!! It was a lot of fun.

On Tuesday we all went to Frankenmuth with Gpa's sister Helen and her husband Ron. It was a lot of fun! We all ate a restaurant, then browsed the shops, including the World's Largest Christmas Store, Bronners.

Thursday and Friday we went to Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum, always fun places to go. Alison enjoyed the "merry-go-a-round", I enjoyed the original Model T rides, and everyone enjoyed the steam train. The buildings and plays were nice too.

And well...Sunday we drove home!


This past week I took my chem. mid-term, and thankfully got a B! ;)

Today after church our family went to a house where a very nice lady named Connie was showing off her day lilies. Pictures below.

Start thinking about which one's your favorite-I'm soon going to be starting the 2nd Picture of the Month contest! Hopefully there will be a few less pictures to choose from. And remember-only 8 days till I go to camp on June 29! ;)


P.S.-it's starting to thunder here, so I'll post flower pics. later.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cohutta, here I come....

Guess what?? Yesterday, when I was at campmeeting, I won a FREE week at Cohutta Springs Youth Camp!! I'm really excited!! I'll be going the end of this month. (see their site at: www.cs-yc.com )

By the way, have you checked out my "Creation Celebration"? It started today.
