"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy 2009--A Couple Weeks Late!!

Well "Hello World" once again, and Happy 2009 a Couple Weeks Late!! It's not that I haven't WANTED to post, but I haven't for one of two reasons: A) I don't have anything to post, or B) I don't have time!

Well, anyway, here I sit again at the computer once again chronicling my life and thoughts! :D And I shall try to inform you about what I've been doing. First of all, I've been madly taking photos with my new DSLR! Did I tell you that I achieved my 10,000 pictures for 2008 goal?? Well, I did, a few days early too! :)

Christmas Break was wonderful. I took even more picture around home. (fun, fun, fun...did I mention that it is fun?!? hahahaha!)

Most of what has taken up my time is a disease that I get 8 months out of the year: school! And trust me, high school is NO easier than elementary! :P

I start school at 8:00AM sharp, and get most of my hard subjects (Algebra, Chemistry, English) done usually in the morning, along with my sister's favorite class: Play With Sister Time! :D Then in the afternoon I will usually do my easier and more fun subjects: World History (I LOVE World History. My "teacher" (on DVD) dresses up as all sorts of different people and then lectures on his time period. It's a total BLAST!!!!), and Computers. Since I have so much English/Grammar to do we (Mom and I) split it up: one week I'll do Grammar, the next English. It works quite well.

Downside of this whole school deal is that I have to get up at 6:30 AM sharp each morning!!!!! Since I am a person that needs more sleep, that means I have to hit the sack at 8:30 PM-not necessarily fun since I had enjoyed my stay-up-till-9:00-o'clock privileges till now! :P Oh well....I can't say school is fun, but at least it gives me something to do! And, as all know, when you are idle you are more likely to do bad! If my hectic school schedule continues...I don't think I will be up to much evil! :P

About my only anchors right now in my life are sleep, school, and food, and of course quiet time! I am doing a great program for my quiet time this year-reading my Bible through! I got a devotional for Christmas by Dwain Esmond-the guy who is editor of Insight. (the SDA magazine for youth). Mr. Esmond's devotional is really, really, really good! He tells you what chapters to read each day, (usually about 3 a day) and then you read one of his devotionals. As mentioned before, I REALLY like it. I've already read Genesis this month (finished that on the 16th!) and am now well into Exodus, and am going to finish this book before month's end. Very good! I encourage each and every one of you to read your Bibles. There is precious and vital information for us of us today!

Last week today I had the privilege of helping our church's technical director run the video camera for church. Our church is so big we have an "overflow" room when the sanctuary is full. Well, I ran the video camera for the overflow room!! I was REALLY scared, but it went just fine. Actually, I enjoyed it thoroughly! It felt really good to do something to HELP in church, instead of just sitting in the pew like a turtle on a log!!

Monday was very exciting. It actually SNOWED, and STAYED on the GROUND for SEVERAL days!! Now, snow is not common here, but there are two or three times we do get snow. But we rarely get snow to stay. Well I took many pictures, of course. Unfortunately, many didn't turn out......oh well! We watched the inauguration on Tuesday of course. Very historical!! And the rest of the week....school, school, school....I really don't think I could survive without Sabbath, seriously!! :-)

As we start 2009 there are even more ways you can read my posts! Of course, you can always read them on my blog right here, www.tennesseephotographer.blogspot.com. And, you can read them right in your e-mail inbox by subscribing for free in the sidebar on my blog. And, now if you are on of my Facebook friends, you can read them right on there. Even more ways to get news from my family!!!

Well, I guess I better let you go because my mother wants to use the computer! I shall try hard to now post once a week again......:) Photos to come soon!!

~Tennessee Photobug