"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Florida Vacation-Feb. 29

Vacation-what is it?

To me, it’s a time when our family can be together, make great memories, and visit with relatives.
Whether the destination’s California, Michigan, or Florida, we always have a very enjoyable time.

This Spring Break our family drove down to Vero Beach, Florida which is on the Atlantic side of Florida. We went from Feb. 29-Mar. 7, 2008
We went there to visit my grandparents, who are from Michigan, currently being snowbirds in Florida’s cold, merciless winters! (Hehe, haha! ;)

I kept a journal during our trip, and I’ll try to expand and elaborate here so you can get a good feeling of how our trip was and went.


Feb. 29, ‘08

I got up out of bed at 5:00AM, and we left home at 5:57. (Note: times are all in EST.) We crossed into Georgia at 6:19AM.
Several weeks before our vacation I searched Wikipedia.com (a free Internet encyclopedia) on the history of the different towns and cities we would be going through. It was very fun!
For example, did you know that the kazoo was invented in Macon, GA in the 1840s???
Or that Lake City, FL was once called, “Alligator”??
Or that the sports drink “Gatorade” was invented in Gainesville, FL, for refreshing the University of Florida football team??

These tidbits and many more were really fascinating to find out and read as we would pass through each town. Mom and Dad really liked it!

I don’t have much recorded for this day, but I know I read a book I had bought for the trip, and that we got to Grandpa & Grandma’s apartment at 6:15PM-exactly a 12 hour, 18 minutes drive!
But that’s also including gasoline and potty stops, as well as a couple rest stops.

That’s all I have on Feb. 29, so I’ll close this article for now. Keep looking for more articles on each day of my “Spring Break 2008”! ;)

Tennessee Photobug

P.S.-The wonderful picture acompanying this article is of my family and I. It was taken by my Grandpa in Florida.