"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Friday, November 27, 2009

A (Janitors) 12 Days of Christmas & Other Such November Episodes

^^cockpit of Learjet 45 from outside in Atlanta (KATL) airport on my
Flight Simulator. Weather: snowing.

Well, Hi All!! (once again! :P) Believe it or not, I am still alive!!! I know I am due a post, since I'm really really trying to post on here every two weeks, but now is now and I figured later was better than never.

I don't know how many of you knew this, but every Thursday & Friday I help clean our church. (In other words, I am a Janitor's Assistant. Mainly I sweep, mop, vacuum, and clean windows). Our church complex is so big, so I only help clean the lobby, children's wing, and the gym. Believe, even that is big! ;) Anyway, with the holidays approaching, I figured it would be fun to make a janitor's "12 Days of Christmas". Or something like that! So here goes, with some real stats! ;D

"On the (blank) day of cleaning, I really did clean..."

Verse 1: 380 tiles!

Verse 2: Used 278 paper towels!

Verse 3: Straightened 101 chairs!

Verse 4: 60 Windows!

Verse 5: emptied 38 trash cans!

Verse 6: flushed 21 toilets!
Verse 7: 11 rugs!

Verse 8: used 8 trash bags!

Verse 9: stocked 6 bathrooms!

Verse 10: 2 sidewalks!

Verse 11: Filled 2 mop buckets!

Verse 12: One Church! :D
* * *

Another thing I have been doing lately is playing my new computer game, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It is really quite fun; and I am quickly getting into the habit of playing almost every day! :P

^^A red-and-yellow Douglas DC-3 at Phoenix Sky Harbor in Phoenix, Arizona

You can fly literally all over the world, and has very realistic graphics. Besides all that, you can fly in 2 dozen planes; from the Wright Bros. unstable airplane, to the might Boeing 747 Jet, there are many options.

Some of my favorites to fly in would be the Cessna Skylane (because it's easy) and the LearJet 45 (because it's cool and still semi-easy). Some of my (many!) favorite flights are landing in a Cessna Skylane in Collegedale, Tennessee, and flying a LearJet into Atlanta, GA.

^^LearJet, anniversity editon, in Atlanta GA (KATL); Weather: Winter Wonderland (snow, clouds); probably afternoon, evening...

^^Cessna Skylane, on Collegedale Mun. (TN) runway, snowing.

Another favorite flight would be flying the Ford Tri-Motor around San Francisco, and (trying! :P) to land it on the aircraft carrier there....though out of the 3 times I've tried, I've only sucessfully landed on the aircraft carrier once! ;)

Besides just flying anywhere on the globe and in 24 aircraft, you can also choose about a dozen different types of weather, from sight-seeing nice pretty clouds, to fun snow, to major thunderstorms and even worse weather you just plain (plane? ;) ) wouldn't want to go flying in!! ;D

You can also choose what day of what year you want to fly, and even if you want to fly at dawn, day, dusk or night!! I suppose I shall stop here, as you see I could go on....and on....and on! ;) :P

 * * *

Currently now my grandparents from Michigan are here for Thanksgiving, since last week Tuesday. My sister Alison and I have been enjoying Grandpa getting us Goldfish Crackers and Silk Soymilk. ;) Besides that, I have showed Grandpa my Flight Simulator (you just knew I was going to talk about that again, didn't you??)

Grandpa and I have been working on an interview with him, like, I have recorded him on video while I asked him questions on his life. It has been quite fun, interesting, and eye-opening. Hey, who knew that my grandfather was working as an aeronautical engineer before?? (I thought he had always worked as an automotive engineer, which he did for 35+ years.)

Today I had my very first introduction to Day-After-Thanksgiving-Madness-Sales. First we went to Sears, where Grandpa was looking for a drill and some lights. (We got there about 9 AM). We found the light, but had to order the drill. Then, as we made our way into the actual mall, my ears were asailed by some singer guy blaring out some version of "Jingle Bell Rock". Lots of people were there, I was just thankful I didn't get lost! Anyway, we added our numbers to the predicted 77 million people who are going to shop this weekend this year! ;)

After Sears we made our way to JCPenny and Grandpa surprised me and bought me a suit!!!!!!! It was SOOO nice of him and I am really looking forward to wearing it tomorrow!! :D Hopefully in the next few days I will post some pictures of me in the suit on here. ;D

Well I better go cause my grandmother wants to check her Gmail! ;D

~Tennessee Photobug
P.S.--Many more photos are coming in the next article! :D

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