"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas! This is geocacher tnphotobug...ok, so I do love geocaching but what my real "job" is being a freshman college student, biology major to be specific. Biology is fascinating, but it is super hard too. So translated that usually means not so much geocaching time...it's one of those glass half full/glass half empty kind of situations. I love geocaching...but I love biology...I love geocaching...but I love geocaching...! Which is good, because I spend all day, every day (except for Sabbath, thank God for that!!) studying biology. And occasinally, yes, I do still find time for geocaching. :)

Anyway, on with this article. As you can probably see I've made some major changes to this blog lately (i.e., today!) I've changed the name, the background, and perhaps most risky, the URL. Now it is www.biomajoratsouthern.blogspot.com instead of www.tennesseephotographer.blogspot.com . This blog has had a long and varied history: I started it in 2007 when my family moved from Texas to Tennessee. Back then I really enjoyed taking photos...well, you get the idea. My postings went up in 2008 and then dramatically down in 2009. In 2010, I got interested in the last few Space Shuttle flights, and during that time sometimes posted as many as three times per day! Around that time God also got me interested in writing devotionals for Him, and that's what I've been doing on this blog ever since.

Except the problem is, now that I've started college not only am I much more busy but I also feel like the well has run dry for me as far as devotional ideas...I still want to post devotionals, and so far since May 2010 haven't missed a week, but I really don't have any great and grand ideas. Or tons of posts scheduled months in advance like I have had in times past.

I've been thinking about all of this lately and where this blog should go. I don't have time to write so much any more, nor do I want to feel pressured to write a post each week. I think what I'm going to do is to at my pleasure write periodic articles on how life is going as a biology major at Southern. Actually, I am paid to write once-a-week articles for Southern's freshman blog, the only downside about that is that while they are great articles (and be sure to go check them out!! :D) I can really only focus on one thing per week. 'Cause like there's TONS of things that happen to me each week...it seems like each day is a lifetime, each week an eternity. So on this blog, as I have time, I shall expound on my life as a freshman bio major/college student at Southern Adventist University.

And I'm sure that I'll still be writing spiritual posts. I had a good faith when I started this past semester, but let me tell you, God REALLY helped my faith in Him grow over this past semester as I saw first hand God do tangible miracles for ME, helping me through seemingly insurmountable test after impossible test...hopefully I'll be able to share some of those experiences here.

Hold onto your seats, folks. College is a rollercoaster and WHEE here we go! (Well actually the "rollercoaster" starts early January 2013...currently I'm still being lazy on blessed Christmas break! ;) )

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