"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Friday, December 28, 2007

My Aquarium Adventure

Going to the Tennessee Aquarium yesterday was a LOT of fun!! I thought y'all might like to see some of my better shots....


We started our journey in the 'Tropical Cove'.

These beautiful blue birds were sure noisy! They are Hyacinth Macaws.

My father and sister intently looking at something....

A beautiful blue butterfly!

I am a penguin...Think of small, fast, black & white torpedoes...

Did you know that penguins can achieve bursts of 20mph??

You 'otter' have been there! I really enjoyed the two river otters the Aquarium. The otters were really fast, and it was hard to get a picture of them!;D

Well, that's it!


It was fun!

Yesterday my grandparents that are here and my family went to the Tennessee Aquarium again!

It was lots of fun, besides taking 246 photos!;D I will post more about our aquarium adventure and my wonderful Christmas later when I get time.

TN Photobug

Monday, December 24, 2007

Good News of Great Joy!

Merry Christmas, friends!

Sorry I haven't been able post much this month, but there have been reasons.

1) I'm been busy doing other stuff.

2) Our computer came down with a virus, therefore no Internet. Finally, just today, Dad got our computer and Internet up. That's my good news of great joy!;D

Last Friday my grandparents (the same ones that came for Thanksgiving) came to our home for Christmas. I think they will be here though most of this week. We are having lots of fun with them.

I do think it's about time for Christmas. It seems that the presents are outgrowing the tree!;)

Sorry I don't have any pictures. Since we took all our stuff off the computer, I haven't put anything back on the computer.

I will close now because my grandfather and I are going to watch some Reminisce DVDs.



Monday, December 10, 2007

O Christmas Tree....

Well, here it is 10 days into the Christmas month and I haven't posted anything!!!

So I thought I might's well start where I had left off-November.

In the last couple days of November we raised and decorated out tree.

We got out tree last year at Wal-Mart for $30. It's a 3-piece, pre-lit, 6.5' high tree. And the branches just "fall" into place! Ahh...my kind of Christmas tree!;)

We decorated with birds, snowflakes, and "nose gays". According to Mom, "nose gays" are little bunches of berries. I'm including a picture of our tree so y'all can see what it looks like!

Our present pile is increasing, but the funny thing is the presents Mom and Dad put under the tree have numbers where the tag says "To". In other words, they're not putting on the present who it's for!!! My hypothesis is that they have a list that says which numbers go to which people.

Oh well...I guess it's just another way to fool the kids...;)

On the last night my Uncle Brian was here (Nov. 27) we all went to an event called "Christmas on the Promenade". It's put on by the local university and was very nice. Music, hot chocolate...I will post photos when I get a chance.

Merry Christmas, everybody!;)

Tennessee Photobug