"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meeting "South Pole Santa" and Other Such Crazy Happenings in My Past Week!

Ahhhh....where do I begin?? This week has been so fun, yet so busy. And so I guess I'll, in the words in one of my favorite movies "start at the top and when we get to the bottom, we'll stop!".

This past Sunday our family went to Southern's annual faculty-&-staff Christmas time brunch. We went to it last year, and it mainly consists of great food, Santa's visit scaring me half to death (last year when he said "ho, ho, ho" I didn't know he was coming and just about jumped half out of my skin!! :P)

This year it was pretty much the same, except that we sat by different people and that I was able to hold on to my skin!! (This year Santa didn't have a microphone when he first came up!) However, this year Santa's visit was different as well. For starters, Santa has e-mail! Then, "Santa" read an e-mail from the North Pole saying that since with the economy the REAL Santa couldn't go everywhere and so he was "outsourcing Christmas!" So we got a visit from the "South Pole Santa"!

Monday night our family visited the house of my photography class teacher, Shirley E. For about 2 months she taught a once-a-week class at one of the local churches on Photography. Mom and I went and it was very good! So at the last meeting she invited the class over to her house in December for a meal and seeing Lannie's (another class member) pictures from Cades Cove (in the Smokies) of deer and elk. So Monday our family went over to her house and again had fabulous food, this time yummy soup and sandwiches. Then we saw some of Lannie's (as always) fabulous deer pictures (we didn't see all of them...there were a total of 1305! Hmmm...3 days, that many pictures....sounds like about 435 pictures a day!)

Wednesday we went shopping, and on Thursday I went to Dad's office to study while Mom & Alison went to Wal-Mart again to get some last-minute items. AND the electricity went out on Thursday for about 2 1/2 hours due to a bad rainstorm. Thankfully, after 3-to-3-and-1/2 hours the power came back on!

Friday was exciting as well. In the evening at about 5:45 my grandparents from Michigan arrived to stay for 2 weeks (including Christmas). They are "snowbirds" and camp out in southern Florida for the first 3 months of the year to escape the cold and yucky weather.

Last night Gpa, Gma and I played my new game of ADRA-OPOLY. It was a lot of fun...even if I had lost! As it turned out, I got practically all the $$$ and 13 out of the 20 properties, which meant 4 monopolies with some others....anyway, it was fun!

Today Alison went up in church in the Adult Sabbath School and sang songs, etc. with her class. She even answered a question! Unfortunately, my testing isn't done....but somehow I'll manage!

(HOPEFULLY!....if you don't hear from me within a week or two....you might wanna send out a search party for me....I might be trapped under an avalanche of schoolbooks! :P)

~Tennessee Photobug

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