"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, September 7, 2013

No Slacking Any Time?!?

Hey everyone! 'Tis me. Yes, I know that I missed writing a blog post last week -- but then again, this isn't a job and last Sabbath I was too busy having fun socializing. ;)

So far, this school year has just been going incredibly well...really amazing. God is truly blessing me. :)

I did have some fun on my "break" between 3rd Summer Session and the main fall semester, but it was really more of a working break (i.e., I just wasn't going to class yet!). Several of my professors kindly sent out notifications of various assignments we students could complete even before coming to the first day of class.

I'm taking several hefty science classes--I'll tell you more on that later--but to get straight to the point it was a very good idea to get started on my assignments like my professors suggested! Yeah sure, it meant that I basically didn't have a break, but the flip side was that I really didn't have any surprises on the first day of class. I wasn't shocked at any of the assignments that were given; I had known about them for several days and in fact had already completed some already! Point being, being proactive during break really helped my first few days go well.

This week, I continued being proactive to the max. And it's been awesome! God has really blessed me. I have a really great schedule with lots of time to study, something that I really like! :) And not only that, but I'm understanding the concepts presented in my classes--a wonderful yet kind of strange feeling to have! Especially when we're talking hard science classes!

Genetics and Ochem (Organic Chemistry) are...rigorous, let's say to put it nicely ;) but what's really nice is that they are taught by two phenomenal professors who really go out of their way to explain things well and provide a wealth of resources to help their students succeed (and quite frankly, on top of all that I just find Genetics to be FASCINATING!!). Adventist Heritage is an easier class and I'm having a blast (hey, what can get better than having a class in Adventist history?!?) Computer Concepts--an online class--so far isn't that bad. If I just keep up with the weekly assignments I shouldn't do too bad. :)

So that's pretty much my course load for this semester. Not too bad! :) If I can just keep being on top of things like I am now, I should be fine. You know, my dad has a sign in his office that says "No Slacking Any Time". That's true--in college you have to be proactive to succeed. However, after say 5 or 6 days of this proactive stuff I still find myself wanting a break...and that's when Sabbath comes. Praise God! Sabbath's a great time to be spiritually refreshed, socialize, spend time in nature, in other words--take a break. And when the week hits you again, you find that you have the energy to meet it.

So that's my update for now! Sorry this has been like the most horrible article ever! Oh well. :P I really am doing well and am still alive, just busy. Proactive-ness is hard work, but gives great rewards, such as less stress and better grades. Plus, being proactive gives you the flexibility to do fun social events and stuff like that! :D Haha. See you next week!


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