"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Barkin' Good Time!

Okay: Before I get to the content of this article, I must tell you this one thing: We have reached a milestone on this blog! With this post, there are 100 posts on this blog! And 100 posts in less than a year! (Early June marks me operating this blog for a year.) Anyway, thought y’all might like to know…

Lauren’s been having a blast! Why? Well, in a nutshell we got my service dog a new toy! It’s kind of like a hollow cone (called a “Kong”) that you can put dog treats in, and then the dog gets them out. Lauren’s had one years ago, and she defiantly hasn’t forgotten what to do with a Kong!
She plays with that Kong by the hour (well, almost) trying to get the treats out.
The reason we got my dog a Kong is because we realized that Lauren needed something to do while she’s in her kennel while we go away. We learned that she was barking (a BIG no-no for her) and drooling in stress. So we’re now trying to take her more places with us. And when she has to go in her kennel, we put a peanut-butter filled cow bone and/or a Kong with treats with her so Lauren has something to do.

So much for that. Today Dad put in the second of 2 gates in our backyard.
Dad, Alison and I also are playing today a game of croquet, which is a lot of fun. I haven’t played that game for at least 5 years! ;)

I also worked on my chemistry class today. Currently I’m learning about energy, heat and temperature. The subject’s challenging, but I am learning it.
One more thing I gotta tell y’all before I close off this post! Tomorrow night Dad and I are going to the Tennessee Aquarium for a photography class. I’ll get a chance to capture penguins, sharks, otters, butterflies, fish, and other animals too. I’m really excited! Wednesday there will DEFIANTLY be a post on this blog with the best of the photos I took at the Aquarium! ;)

Well, I think I’d better go. More later….
