"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Friday, August 13, 2010

Part 2: Being Lazy is So Much Fun!

Okay, okay, please stop those laughs! I know it is not good to be lazy ALL the time, but occasionally I find it quite fun! (Yes, Mom, I know you will say I am lazy more than just sometimes! :P)

ANYWAY. When we were in California I definitely enjoyed more of a relaxed schedule
, just computer, TV (or videos), or Grandpa's Nintendo. (Usually I only get half hour of computer time per day.) I enjoyed watching several movies, such as Milo & Otis. I have not seen it for like a LONG time, and it was such a wonderful cute movie about a cat and dog!!! :D If you know me at all, you know that I'd bring a Ken Burns film to watch in California. Yep, you're right! Dad, Grandpa and I all watched the 4-hr. long Ken Burns documentary on Lewis & Clark. It was EXCELLENT!!! The last movie we watched was the Tom Hanks Apollo 13. I had never seen it before! I thought it was very well done and authentic though.

I also really enjoyed playing with my cousin from Spain, Luis. (see picture. We are wearing our Spain shirts on the same day! ;D) We'd play bowling or golfing games on the computer, or race cars on Grandpa's Nintendo. It was really really fun playing with him, as I had not seen him for over 5 years!!! :) :)

Another thing I did while I was in California was interview my grandparents and aunt from Spain. One project that I have been trying to do over the past few years is interview my grandparents about their lives, put in on film and into a little video. I did that with my Michigan grandfather a year or two ago. As I was thinking about it, I thought it would be fun to interview my California grandparents too!! So I did. I did the same thing with my aunt Jamie from Spain too. It was quite fun learning about their lives!! What interesting stories. I mean, you can learn history from history books, or the other option is learn about it from people who were there! (like, my grandparents!) It was really really really REALLY fun!!!!!!!!! My relatives enjoyed it too, watching the shows I put together.

Well I better go now. Only two more minutes on my computer time! ;) Keep looking for more California posts coming soon! :D


1 comment:

  1. Interviewing and producing DVD productions definately counts as "school" in my book. Just the kind of fun school that you can do when homeschooling! But now that we are home again--no more couch potato!!!! (Ha!)


    Your mother--the slave driver!
