"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not Knowing the Time (Exactly)

Last month, I was very excited. Why? Well, because my grandparents were coming for Thanksgiving, and I was looking forward to them coming very much!

Finally, the day of their expected arrival came. As soon as I finished my school and work for the day, I joined forces with Mom and we both cleaned the house like crazy! Sure, it was early afternoon, and we didn't expect them until later in the evening. But on the other hand, we didn't know exactly when they would get here, so that's why we cleaned so soon.

Our hard work and forethought soon paid off. It was only quarter to five, but right at that time I saw a blue car come up our driveway--my grandparents! We had expected that with the 12-hour drive from Michigan, that they wouldn't get here so soon. But we were wrong (they had actually left Michigan really early in the morning), and as I said previously, we were both happy that we had done so much cleaning beforehand.

I've been doing some thinking about my grandparents' early arrival time. You know, that story is really quite similar to another event soon to happen. The event that I'm talking about is Jesus' soon Second Coming! Just like my grandparents' coming, we know some details. We know what to look for, and what the world will be like right before Jesus comes again. Check out Matthew 24 for details, but suffice it to say that by the condition of the world, Jesus' coming can't be too far away!

My family and I knew approximately the time, day, etc. my grandparents would come, but we didn't know the exact time beforehand. We just had to get ready, and stay ready. So it is with Christ's coming--we can know when it is close, but we don't know exactly when He will come. We just need to get ready and stay ready.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father...Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." (Matthew 24:36, 42)

Are you ready for Christ to come?

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