"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Woofer Wisdom

July 07

Fan Club

This month has gone well. I'm now living in Tennessee.
Its okay, the only bad thing is that I don't have a yard now. But Dad's taking me for walks in the morning, which is nice. My Fan Club is growing! I now have my people, my puppy raiser's, my people's best friends, and my Mom's sister's family. Every thing's going great, at least to a dog!
Here's the woofer wisdom for this month:

#10. Always get and enjoy all the pets and attention you can get!!

See you in August!

a.k.a. Royal Loyal Lauren

Alison's Angle

July 2007
By Miss Pok-a-dot, the BIG GIRL.

My name is Alison. I call myself "Miss Pok-a-dot".
I'm a very active 3 year old toddler.
Guess what I've been doing this month?? Grow, grow, GROWING!!! I turned 3 this month, (yea!)and I'm learning many other things too. Here are some of them.
I can dress my self! Or at least partly. It's fun!
Daddy's been giving me piano lessons. It's fun! I've me learning about black keys and white keys. I'm learning about all of my different fingers. Daddy lets me play his keyborad and my favorite sound is the firework sound.
I also REALLY like to tease-meaning crawling all over you. I have LOTS of fun, but it seems that Daddy and Bro don't like it as much. I wonder why....
I am working very hard to obey. Some times I do okay, and some times not. But Daddy says I'm doing okay.
Mommy and Daddy and Bro say that in a few days our family's going to Michigan. I know it'll be fun to see Grandma and Grandpa, but I'm not so sure how I'll like the riding in the car part. Oh well.
I'll tell you next month how the car riding went.
See you next month!
Miss Pok-a-dot Alison

Turtle Sighting

We have spoted a turtle! Mom was in her bedroom and saw a box turtle outside the window in our back yard. She called to me to get my camera and I did. I got several, like this one.
Now for my Tennessee Natural History class I have photographed: a deer, raccoon with coonlets, skunk, lots of birds, and now a turtle! I can't wait to see what's next!=)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Michigan Bound!

As of August 2, our family is taking our
"annual" trip to Michigan to see my grandparents. So that means I'll be making some "Michigan Trails"!!
I probably won't post for a few days. But don't worry!
I'm bringing my camera, so I'll try to post articles and photos as soon as I can.

Tennessee Photobug

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bird Photos

This afternoon we went over to our friends' house and I took some bird pictures. The birds in the pictures are(from top to bottom):Goldfinch, Eastern Towhee, Cardnial, and Titmouse. Enjoy, and Happy Sabbath!

Tennessee Photobug

Thursday, July 26, 2007


"I'm busy, busy, busy, busy all the time!" I sing one of my favorite songs.
We've certainly been busy now a days. This past Sunday Mom's sister Christa and her family came for a few days. It was a lot of fun. Michael, Melissa, and I played computer games and went for a walk. It was lots of fun!
We are really busy right now this part of the summer. Now that company's gone, Dad's gone to a science conference in Utah. 3 days after that we go for are "annual" vacation to Michigan. And after that we have more company!
Anyway, we are very busy but happy.
I better go, because my sister wants me to play sandbox.

(Picture) Top row-Melissa, Christa, Dan. Center: Michael.

A walk on campus

We went with our company on a walk around campus. It was fun! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the walk. Enjoy!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Swimming Lessons

For the past 4 weeks, "Swimming" has been the main focus for me. Mom signed me up for the Level 2 Red Cross Swim Lessons and I passed!! Then I did a session of Level 3. I didn't pass Level 3, but the teachers gave me a sheet of what I need to practice. Thankfully, I'm actually starting to enjoy swimming!! My favorite stroke is the back crawl. Even though Swim Lessons are over for now, I know I going to be seeing more of the pool!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Comments Wanted!

Hello, everyone! I've been expanding my horizens and I want your feedback!

1. How do you like this blog? Suggestions? Compliments? Complaints?

2. I have other blogs too.
( www.photobugpics.blogspot.com; www.thebibleiscool.blogspot.com )
How do you like these blogs? Suggestions? Compliments? Complaints?

Thank you for telling me your thoughts. You can inform me by clicking on the "0 comments" under this post. Thank you for your suggestions.

Tennessee Photobug

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Happy Birthday to Miss Pok-a-dot!"

By Miss Pok-a-dot
Extra "Birthday Special" Issue
July 2007

Hi, everyone! This is Miss Pok-a-dot, 3 years old!! I decided to have an extra special issue of Alison's Angle for my birthday.
I got lots of presents! I got some balls, bubbles, and doll clothes from Mommy and Daddy. I got a Pok-a-dot sun hat from Brother. I also got an animal alphabet puzzle from Anut Jamie, and a new doll from Grandma White.
For supper, I wore my crown and blew out candles. That was fun! We had peach cobbler and toast. Everyone sang to me "Happy Birthday".
The house was decorated in ballons! (yea!) and Streamers! And Mommy made some paper hanging butterflies. Yea!
My favorite thing was the sandbox! (picture) Mommy and Daddy gave me and green sea turtle sandbox. I got it today, instead of yesterday and I played with it for 2 hours! I like to dump and play with sand. Its fun!
I can't wait for next year!

Miss Pok-a-dot, 3 years old!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hold your noses, folks! We have a SKUNK!

We got a skunk! Last night Dad and I went a walk with my camera to see if we could get some pictures. Well, we did. Twice we almost got sprayed!! There were 2 skunks. The first time the smaller skunk came walking right up to us like a cat or dog, and then his tail went straight up! We RAN, and escaped, thankfully! Later, the other skunk did the same! Dad and I got some pretty good pictures, though. But this will be the last time I'm taking photos of skunks in a long time!
Now for my Tennesse Natural History class, I have pictures of a skunk, deer, and a raccoon.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

We have a DEER!

Yes! That's true! As we were eating Sabbath lunch today, Mom spotted a deer in our side yard. I literally flew and got my camera, going outside and banging the screen door!
Scared by the noise of the door, the deer took off from our yard. Oh, No!
Mom and I hurriedly got on our shoes and went in pursuit of the deer. We found her two yards over on our street.
Thankfully, I was able to get a few good shots of the deer such as (above).
"Our" deer was probably a white-tailed deer, as the mule deer usually live west of the Mississippi River.
This coming year Mom planned/is planning a "Tennessee Natural History" class for me in home school. This class will be comprised of identifying, & recording
(photos, drawings) native Tennessee plants, animals, and learning about Tennessee history.
We had planned the class to start in the fall, but I guess the Tennessee Natural History (animals, etc.) are getting an earlier start on the class than we thought!

The deer experience was very exciting, and we hope the deer comes again!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Pumpkin's Place

Oh, hi! My name is "Pumpkin Pie” or Punky for short.
I probaly won't post often, but I thought I might like to tell you some things.
I'm Mommy's cat, and she calls me
"Ke-ke". I like Mommy.
I'm very active. My humans call me weird, but someone's gotta be weird! Why? Well, because, ah, I like to eat flowers, and rubber bands, and wires, and, and, well, you get the picture. My people think it's strange, but really, it is really tasty.
The boys, well they like to tease me and calls me all sorts of names. At least "Punky" is O.K. Before they've called me "Punkin".
The younger boy, I mean Tennessee Photobug, well, he's really fun. He has a toy- it’s like a disk on a stick, and he whirls the disk off the stick and I chase it and attack it. Roar! My people think I'm weird, but Mommy loves me so I think I'm safe. Well, guess that’s it!


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Alison's Angle

June 2007
"A Singing Lesson"
By Miss Pok-a-dot

Hello, there! I’m Miss Pok-a-Dot. I’m in Tennessee! Yea!I'm glad I'm in Tennessee. Guess what I’m doing? I’m singing! Yes, I am!
I make up songs for Bro to sing. Its lots of fun. Sometimes I’ll sing “Jesus loves me”, or “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam”. Bro and Mommy and Daddy think my songs are cute.
And, remember; ALWAYS end all of your songs with, “Bump-bump!” You see, where I’m going to bed each night, Mommy and Bro and Daddy always end our songs with “Bump-bump”. Brother started the "Bump-bump”, and I really liked it.
Guess what we did today? We went to the duck pond, and fed the ducks. It was LOTS of fun! Brother took some pictures, and he told me he’ll put the duck pictures on his photo gallery/blog.
I’m glad Bro has a photo blog because then he can put more pictures of cute little me!

That brought me to my last point. I’m not little anymore. I’m a big girl! Next month I’ll be 3 years old! I will have a birthday! Yea!
I also enjoy helping Mommy water her flowers and just plain being outside.
See ya’ll next month-I'll be 3! 3 is fun!

Miss pok-a-dot Alison