"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Thursday, September 27, 2007

We're moving!

Yes! Our family is moving houses.

Where we are moving is really nice.
Only 5 minutes from where we live currently, Dad will still be able to come home for lunch.
The house is located on a beautiful 1.5 acres. Plenty of running space, plus some woods to attract birds, etc. for my photography.
As soon as we can, Mom and Dad are going to put up a fence for Lauren and Alison to run. The house is situated on a wonderful dead-end road.

Now about the house. The house has a BASEMENT!!! Basements are like really rare here in our part of Tennessee.
Alison and I will be able to play down there. There are two rooms down in the basement, and one of them is going to be Mom's sewing room. She's never had a sewing room, so she is really excited about that.
Dad and I will finally be able to have a model railroad too. We've had other railroads before, but we have always moved before we finished.

Anyway(as you can see), I'm really thrilled to be moving.
Mom and Dad closed today, and we'll actually move next month. In the meantime, we'll pack.

That's our exciting news for today!

Tennessee Photobug

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Alison's Angle

Sept. 2007
By the WiggleWorm, Alison

"'It's...Play with Sister Time, it's Play with Sister Time, everybody cheer, 'cause it's Play with Sister Time!'

"Hi, everyone! Guess what's my favorite class? Yes! You're right! It's "Play with Sister" class. Every school day, after Bro has done his Biology and Math, we get to play together for half hour. Yea! It's lots of fun.

"We do lots of things together in Play with Sister time. Sometimes we'll play Sandbox, or Bubbles. We also like to run, march, and play ball.
Another fun thing is rocking on Cowboy. Cowboy is my rocking horse. I'll drag Cowboy into Brother's room where the keyboard is. I'll ride Cowboy while Brother plays "Old Smoky", Aloha Oe", "Yankee Doodle", and the "Railroad track song" (I've been Working on the Railroad). I have a lot of fun rocking.

"Sometimes I'll sing. One of my favorites is "Lift Up the Trumpet". Here is goes:

"Lift up the Trumpet! SHOUT AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! Jesus is coming soon!"

Often times I'll play my kazoo while I sing.

"I am trying very hard to obey. But sometimes its very hard, and I don't obey. Then I have to sit on my bed. But I asked Jesus to help me and he is. I'm learning.

"Sometimes when we go to Wal-Mart and I'm very good, Mommy will take my to the Samaritan Center Toy Store. It's lots of fun. I'll play with the cars there, and last time there was a slide! That was fun.

"I guess that's all for now. I'm going to ask Brother if he can play with me more!
See you in October!


Sunday, September 23, 2007


Yesterday our family went for a walk on the Greenway.

The Greenway is a paved trail that goes though our town for over a mile. Most of the Greenway is in trees.
It was a lot of fun. I took some pictures-I'll get them up soon.

Tennessee Photobug

Saturday, September 15, 2007

New Piano!

This past week Dad ordered and received a new electronic piano.

It is the Yamaha P-140. It is really nice.
It plays like a real piano, and it has a good number of voices, including several pianos, strings, a church organ and others.
Dad is having a lot of fun with it, and so am I.

Tennessee Photobug


One of the caterpillars which
I found

Yes! Our family is once again raising (we think) Black Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars!

Earlier this summer Mom had planted on our front porch some parsley. In Texas in years past we have raised caterpillars galore.
She was hoping that some butterflies would think her parsley a good spot to raise their children. No caterpillars.

Well, just a couple days ago Mom and I went out on our front porch and I saw literally MILLIONS of them!
Mom got some cages and put sticks in the cages. Then she went got all the 11 caterpillars which I had found.
Now I have the distinction of finding the most caterpillars in one time.

More later....

Tennessee Photobug

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


an EXTRA edition of Alison's Angle
by Alison, the best 3 year-old artist

Guess what I did today? I drew my very first face! Yes!

Mommy has some special markers that I can play with. I made a drawing of Daddy, but now I think it was a drawing of me. See picture.

I have a lot more things to tell you, but Bro says to keep them until the end of this month when I write my monthly column.

So keep checking Bro's blog every once in a while! There's always something new!


Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Puppy is Socialized! :)

Yesterday (Sabbath) was really exciting.

In the morning we went to church. We heard a excellent sermon. Sabbath School was equally good.

In the afternoon our friends came over. We ate lunch and they stay for the rest of the afternoon. It was fun.

Okay. Here is the real reason for my writing this article. In the evening there was an "8th grade social". This social is at our church's gym, and they don't even have a church school!! So this gym is just for the homeschoolers! The 8th grade social is once a month.

Shhhhhhhh....don't tell anyone what I'm about to reveal to you!

Mom wanted to take me so I could know what it is and have fun. I wasn't so sure that I wanted to go because I didn't know anyone. But isn't that what the social is for?
But as CCI puppies have to be socialized, Mom said I had to be socialized.

So I went. Actually, is was fun. We sang songs, then played a game. Pam, the lady who coordinates the social, divided the group into adults, 8th graders, and siblings. Then Pam asked each group a question. We did two rounds, and I think the 8th graders won!

Then for about 40 minutes we played a game of kickball. The game was fun.
At about 9:00pm Pam gathered everyone and had prayer. Then Mom and I left.

Okay, I admit. The social was fun. And yes, I'm looking forward to the next one!

Tennessee Photobug

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blog update

Hello, it's me again! I just wanted to inform you that I now operate another blog. This blog is about school. Here's the address: www.quailridgeacadamy.blogspot.com
Thank you!

Tennessee Photobug

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Woofer Wisdom

July/August 2007
Written by the family dog, Lauren.

Woof, woof! Hello! This is me. Yes. The dog.

My name is Lauren. I am a graduate from Canine Companions for Independence. (CCI)
Guess what I did this past month? (August)
I went with my humans on a L-O-N-G trip in the car, to some place I think they called "Michigan". It was fun. I got to see squirrels! The place we went-the people that live there have a staircase. What's special about a staircase? Well, there's a window by the staircase and I LOVE to look out that window. It's just my height.

When I've been home, lots of people have come by to see me. (Of course, don't you know, that EVERYONE that comes to my house is coming to see ME, right?) Some have stayed a while, which means I get more petting & praise!

Last week Dad took me for an early morning walk. It was fun. I wanted to go faster and faster! But when I got back home, I was one tired dog! I was panting furiously. My tongue was hanging out of my mouth!

The next day Mom noticed I was walking funny. She really got worried. Poor Mom. So she took me down the street to my friend Kristal's house.
Now, you must understand that Kristal and her family are among my inner circle of friends! When they come to my house I will moan and roll and have so much fun. And while I'm doing this they will pet me & praise me. But back to my story.
Kristal and her family have also raised two CCI puppies. Their latest puppy is in CCIU-CCI puppy university. They have gotten some reports on their newest puppy-here's the link: http://cowonline.blogspot.com/search/label/Penelope

Okay, okay I'll finish my story. Kristal thinks it's sore muscles, as I(of course) walked perfectly at her house!

Guess that's it. Here's the Woofer Wisdom:

#10. Enjoy the good things in life, like friends and squirrels and pets!

See ya'll in September/October!!

Lauren the WONDER dog!