"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Woofer Wisdom

July/August 2007
Written by the family dog, Lauren.

Woof, woof! Hello! This is me. Yes. The dog.

My name is Lauren. I am a graduate from Canine Companions for Independence. (CCI)
Guess what I did this past month? (August)
I went with my humans on a L-O-N-G trip in the car, to some place I think they called "Michigan". It was fun. I got to see squirrels! The place we went-the people that live there have a staircase. What's special about a staircase? Well, there's a window by the staircase and I LOVE to look out that window. It's just my height.

When I've been home, lots of people have come by to see me. (Of course, don't you know, that EVERYONE that comes to my house is coming to see ME, right?) Some have stayed a while, which means I get more petting & praise!

Last week Dad took me for an early morning walk. It was fun. I wanted to go faster and faster! But when I got back home, I was one tired dog! I was panting furiously. My tongue was hanging out of my mouth!

The next day Mom noticed I was walking funny. She really got worried. Poor Mom. So she took me down the street to my friend Kristal's house.
Now, you must understand that Kristal and her family are among my inner circle of friends! When they come to my house I will moan and roll and have so much fun. And while I'm doing this they will pet me & praise me. But back to my story.
Kristal and her family have also raised two CCI puppies. Their latest puppy is in CCIU-CCI puppy university. They have gotten some reports on their newest puppy-here's the link: http://cowonline.blogspot.com/search/label/Penelope

Okay, okay I'll finish my story. Kristal thinks it's sore muscles, as I(of course) walked perfectly at her house!

Guess that's it. Here's the Woofer Wisdom:

#10. Enjoy the good things in life, like friends and squirrels and pets!

See ya'll in September/October!!

Lauren the WONDER dog!

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