"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'M BACK!!!!!!


WARNING: This is a HUGE, MONSTER size article. I've never, never, ever written an article this long. This article describes my past week. But I have a reason for its length: I haven't been on the Internet this week because we've moved. And this week has has had many HUGE things happen!! This article is good, so keep at it! I promise, it DOES end!!;)

This past week has seemed like a month.
We have moved pretty much everything that we have except (most) furniture and big book boxes.
I say "most" because that table which upon sits the computer, Dad and Mom brought over Friday. I'm really happy that the computer and Internet is up because the Internet is my link to the world and a place to express myself!;)

It may not be the best organized, but I'm going to try now to recount the major events of this past week.

We made probably 5 to 6 van trips from our old house to our new one. Mom and Alison took me to my swim lesson. We brought the cats and Lauren over to our new house too.

We made a trip to Wal-Mart and the phone line was hooked up. Yea-that means we can have Internet when we get the computer up!!

The main event for Wednesday was that my best friends Tennessee Girl and her brother came over for a tour of our new house with their mom-but the "tour" stretched into a 2 1/2 hour visit!!! Yea! It was a lot of fun talking.

Here's a link to Tennessee Girl's blog. If you can't get the link to work (that happens oftentimes to me) type this into your web browser:


Okay, onto Thursday:
Mom, Alison and I went to a thrift shop we go to every week and found a Foosball game there!!! Mom called Dad and he came to us with the van. In the end, Mom and Dad bought it. This is the same shop we got the Air Hockey from a couple weeks ago.
Alison and I have been really been having fun playing Air Hockey and Foosball since these games have been set up in the basement.

Look out! Here comes Friday:
Dad brought over the TV cabniet and the computer table over. And here's the big news:
He got 3ABN to work!! We hadn't been able to get this wonderful Christan TV network since we left Texas over 4 months ago.
Here's 3ABN's website:


Dad also got the computer and Internet on Friday. YEA! That's why I'm able to be on today (Sabbath). I was praying that for Sabbath I could have the computer and Internet.

And FINALLY to this morning(Sabbath, at church).

My Sabbath School class did part of the Adult Sabbath School today. It went really good, but I was really scared, because in the Bible verse I read had some strange names and I was afriad I'd misspronnoce them. Oh well. It actually went better than I thought.

And now is now. Well, better close off this article so I won't lose my faithful readers on account of long articles!!;)

To sum it up I just want y'all to know that I AM back on the Internet like I was after a week of nothing!! Bye!!

Tennessee Photobug