Below, our new house that we're moving to.
Well, this may be my last post this week! But for good reason.
Remember I said that our family was moving?? Well, the time has come for us to move!
The house is currently in a mess of boxes.
Today we get the key to our new house. All this week we will move what we can by ourselves and then a week from today a moving company will come to move the big and heavy things like furniture, etc.
So in all the hustle and bustle of moving I may not post alot this week. I may just not have the chance to post.
But not to worry!! I'm still alive and will post when I can.
Next week, through, there will be alot of new posts.
Pumpkin is working on his article, and Alison is almost done with hers.
So what I'm trying to say is that I'M STILL ALIVE! I just might not post this week.
I'd better go now and help pack. Just thought y'all might like to know what's happening.
More later, (hopefully soon!;)
Tennessee Photobug