"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Monday, October 8, 2007

My Thrilling Trip to Wonderland

This is an essay I wrote for school. It's about my vacation to Michigan. I thought y'all might like it! It's long, I know, but I think it is very good! So just keep at it!;)

Tennessee Photobug

"IF YOU’RE LOOKING for a perfect vacationland, go to Michigan.
With brilliant green trees, the breeze playing with their leaves and being always within a few miles of a lake or stream, Michigan is the perfect place to waste the summer away.

Into this blissful wonderland I spent my vacation.

Our family drove to Michigan in our wonderful burgundy-red Venture Van.
Driving to Michigan is the great hurdle to win the prize of being there.
Why? Rumbling on and on, the road seems to go forever. Always going onward, forward but there seems always more road to conquer.

A certain odor again reaches my nose. My eyes now turn to the crumpled, sticky sandwich which was once my tasty lunch. Fell to the floor, dog hair was now lavishly spread all over it.

“Rest stop!” I hear Dad call. Yes! It will feel good to stretch my legs.
I hear the van slow down. We are now off the freeway. My father finds a parking spot and Mom gets out. She gets Alison and my service dog, Lauren. Dad gets out and with some assistance from him I get out too. It’s quite challenging getting out when you have things piled over, under, and all around you! The fresh, clean air feels great after being in the stuffy car for several hours!

Dad and I head to the bathroom first. Mom will stay by the car with Lauren and my toddler sister, Alison. She will change Alison’s diaper while the boys use the real restroom.
After Dad and I use the restroom, we both feel better. When we get back, Mom had finished changing Alison’s diaper. The car will smell MUCH better now!!

Alison wants to take a walk, so Dad takes her. I tag along.
Back at the car, Mom feeds and takes Lauren potty. Soon Lauren is done. Mom locks the van and uses the restroom herself. Lauren goes with her.

Dad and I keep an eye on the car. Shortly, Mom and Lauren join us walking.
Too soon, it’s time to head back to the van. I amble back, but I get in.

Thankfully, supper is in short order. Raisin cookies and fresh avocado sandwiches- the best! It’s a treat to have fresh food-most car food is dried, and therefore is just plain blah!


Finally, after over 11 hours of driving, we arrived at my grandparent’s home.
As my father turned into the driveway, I thought about all the happy memories I had made at this place. Then I thought about all the happy times I would make this time.
The strong and stately house looked just as I remembered it -- set amid a spacious ten acres.
At last, the car was turned off and we all got out. Too long for me! Our family walked up the sidewalk. Excited and nervous, I took the lead. I mounted the steps, walked between the gigantic columns, and right up to the huge double front doors, where I rang the doorbell.
My heart beat fast. Would my grandparents answer? Were they home? Was all of my tolerance of sister shouting, smelly sandwiches, and hours of driving for nothing??
In the next few seconds I would find out!

THEN MY GRANDPA threw the door open. “Welcome!” he exclaimed. “I’m so glad you’re here!”
We walked in and Grandpa gave each of us a great big hug. I felt like I was in total happyland again. Grandma was not far behind. “Oh, you’re here!” she said, smiling. As we followed Grandma into the kitchen, I looked around. Everything looked like I remembered it – with a few additions!

To my great delight, I saw peaches on the counter. I also knew my grandparents also had many other foods I liked.
I just knew I would have a good time here!

As it turned out, I was right. Trips to town with Grandpa, clothes from Grandma, and we even got to see my great-uncle Norman. Riding in Grandpa’s reproduction antique car was also fun. Alison and I both enjoyed running on the huge, green lawn.

But the crowning jewel of my vacation was yet to come!


Greenfield Village!

Greenfield Village is a 93-acre outdoor museum that was started by Henry Ford in 1929 to showcase and remember how America used to be.
Every time we go to Michigan, we always go to Greenfield Village. My grandfather keeps an annual pass, so our family can always get in free.

Greenfield Village has the actual, original Wright Bros. home and bicycle shop, Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park laboratory, Henry Ford’s birthplace home and even a school house he attended.

There are also several rides at Greenfield Village. You can ride on a steam engine, boat, horse-drawn carriage, and even ride in an authentic Model T.

Alison’s favorite ride is the 1913 Herschell-Spillman Carousel. This carousel is very unique. Herschell-Spillman was the only company to feature not just horses on their carousels. On this carousel you can ride on lions, tigers, cats, dogs, deer, pigs and even a frog dressed in human clothes!

My favorite ride was the Model T’s. I had never ridden in a Model T before. I got to sit up front both times when I rode. The driver was a great tour guide. The cars at Greenfield Village were manufactured after the original blueprints of the original Model T’s.

I also liked the steam train. Henry Ford knew the specific look he wanted for the Greenfield Village steam engine. But no one engine matched what he had in mind. So he took different parts from different engines and was finally able to get what he wanted. Ford named his engine the “Edison”, after his friend and inventor Thomas Edison.
Today the Edison and other engines run around a circle of track inside the edge of the Village. You can board at any of the three convenient stations around the Village.

As I entered Greenfield Village, I saw that the Edison was already at Firestone Station, ready to go. After getting tickets, we boarded the train. It seemed like we were stepping back in time. As we settled into our seats, a shrill toot from the whistle told everyone that the Edison was ready and rearing to go.
The loud, hissing steam spat from the engine as it started to chug.

Ding dong; ding dong the crossing gates rung as I drifted back in time and “Rediscovered America”.

But all too soon our days of visiting with Grandma and Grandpa were over. Back to the van, back to our house, and back to another school year. But these memories and others will next summer call me back to the wonderful land of Michigan.