Hip-hip hooray!~my uncle's coming this way!
Yes, it's true! My funny Uncle Brian from Arizona is coming to visit me and my sister next month. ;) He's probably going to be here from the 13th through the 22nd. Anyway, I thought y'all might enjoy knowing that. We were able to see him this past June in Michigan, and he and I played over 20 games of SORRY! Unfortunately, he won the majority of the games, thus earning the championship.
But look out-in case he didn't know, this visit's championship is called, "Revenge of the Nephew"! ;D
Anyway, so much for that. Today I did more chemistry and ITBS (achievement) tests. I "officially" start school on the 18th of this month, though I've been doing chemistry throughout the summer.
But next week will be an exciting one! My cousins from Florida (the ones I saw this past March), the Shift-Bowers, are coming for almost a week. That will be a lot of fun!
Guess that's all for now. More exciting news coming!