Hi Everyone!
I have just figured out how to add a gadget to this blog so you can get my posts by e-mail.
This is nice because more of you friends and family can get my posts by e-mail. It's nice so you don't have to check my blog all the time, you can just read my posts when you check your e-mail.
I know I enjoy that. Instead of checking every little blog I like to read, I can just subscribe to that blog's feed.
Anyway, so much for that. If you just look to the right in the sidebar on this blog, you'll see a form that says "Subscribe via email". Below that there's a space for you to enter your e-mail address.
After you do that, you click "Subscribe". A window will automatically open after you do that, prompting you to enter the letters you see in a picture above.
Well, anyway I know I'm rambling too much but what I'm trying to get at is when you type in the letters, don't allow for spaces, just type in the letters in lower-case.
To see how this subscribing-thing worked, I tried it myself. I tried countless times to type in the letters and allowing spaces, but alas it didn't work. But when I typed in the letters with no spaces, surprise! It worked!
After you type in the letters, (don't worry, it really ISN'T that hard!) you will receive an e-mail. Open up your e-mail account, and click the link which is in the e-mail you have received. That will bring up another box, which will say "E-mail Subscription Confirmed", or something like that.
And then when I post, you will get an e-mail!
Anyway, I really hope you will try this. It really isn't hard! ;)
Happy Sabbath!