"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Most Beautiful Blossom Wins

Welcome back to the Fall Foto Contest! Thank-you to everyone who voted in this past "Flowers" poll. This has been a very exciting poll as the winning photo (above) has risen, fell, and again rose in votes. The above photo (#4) got 5 votes, while Photo #1 got second place of 4 votes. Good job, thank-you so much for the record 12 votes this poll got. (By the way-did anybody double-vote??)

Before I introduce the next set of photos, I want to tell you about some new additions on this blog. First of all, I have added "Reactions" to my blog. That means, when you get to the end (or bottom) of any post, you can rate how much you liked it, from "Not 2 Good", "OK", "Good" and "I Love It!" I hope you will enjoy this feature and use it, so I can know what you do and don't like about my posts.

Also, I have added this week a crossword puzzle at the very bottom of my blog. How do you like it? Did you know about it before? I will not always do such hard puzzles, the current one was just a test. I was thinking that I could have one new puzzle a month, and the words (besides the clues in the puzzle) would be randomly scattered throughout the month's post on this blog. These words would be colored in red. Anyway, if you have any comments or objections, just contact me in some way, shape of form. ;)

OK, okay! Onto the photos. As I was lying in my bed last night trying to think what category of pictures I would post next, I decided on Butterflies. Below are the photos.

Enjoy, and Happy Voting!


^^Photo #1

^^Photo #2

^^Photo #3

^^Photo #4

^^Photo #5 (my wonderful mother took this great person/butterfly combo shot! I came accross this shot after I posted the original 5 pictures. All contestants are the same, except for the above shot, which replaced the blue butterfly.)

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