Well here are some good reasons I came up with to not blog. Even though I never thought I would post a post like this, here goes! :-)
1. I'm sleeping. :-)
2. I'm breathing. :-)
3. I'm eating. :-)
4. I'm reading. :-)
5. I'm playing with my sister. :-P (Do I have to give horsey rides EVERY TIME?!?)
6. I'm resting. (mind you, resting is different than sleeping!) :-)
7. I'm doing school. (to be explained in the next few reasons!) :-(
8. I'm doing chemistry. :-
9. I FINISHED my chemistry book last Friday!!!! :-D :-D
10. I'm playing Sousa march music in celebration that I got a B+ in my Chemistry course! :-D
11. I'm starting my Human Anatomy book Monday!! :-D
12. I'm @ the dermatologist Monday, getting a few biopsies done....! :-(
13. Or I'm at the foot surgeons. :-(
14. I'm doing something for myself! (Wonder of wonders!! :-P)
15. I'm doing chores for Mom. (Of course she called right as I was starting to play! :-P)
16. Or chores for Dad! :-P
17. I'm getting more (unfortunately) wet wood for the fireplace/wood stove.:-}
18. I'm setting the table. :-
19. Or unloading or loading the dishwasher! :-
20. I'm doing World History! :-D
21. Or English. :-(
22. Or Computers! :-D
23. I'm doing Facebook! :-D
24. Or Gmail. :-D
25. Or chatting, wherever: Gmail, Skype, Facebook....:-D
26. I'm helping out at church with the video camera!:-D
27. I'm doing other stuff on the Web!:-D
28. I'm talking with my grandparents/relatives!:-D
29. I'm taking pictures!!! :-D :-D :-D
30. I'm at a Youth Sabbath School Social!! :-D
31. I'm reading my Bible through in my quiet time!! :-D
32. I'm talking with my friends, or just plain jabbering! :-P
So if I'm not doing any of these things, I might, just MIGHT have time to blog. NOW you might see how busy my schedule REALLY is.......:-)
P.S.-Yesterday I took some really CUTE pictures of my sister riding her bike on our street. I will post them ASAP! :-)