"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, February 1, 2009

32 reasons NOT to blog!

Well here are some good reasons I came up with to not blog. Even though I never thought I would post a post like this, here goes! :-)

1. I'm sleeping. :-)

2. I'm breathing. :-)

3. I'm eating. :-)

4. I'm reading. :-)

5. I'm playing with my sister. :-P (Do I have to give horsey rides EVERY TIME?!?)

6. I'm resting. (mind you, resting is different than sleeping!) :-)

7. I'm doing school. (to be explained in the next few reasons!) :-(

8. I'm doing chemistry. :-

9. I FINISHED my chemistry book last Friday!!!! :-D :-D

10. I'm playing Sousa march music in celebration that I got a B+ in my Chemistry course! :-D

11. I'm starting my Human Anatomy book Monday!! :-D

12. I'm @ the dermatologist Monday, getting a few biopsies done....! :-(

13. Or I'm at the foot surgeons. :-(

14. I'm doing something for myself! (Wonder of wonders!! :-P)

15. I'm doing chores for Mom. (Of course she called right as I was starting to play! :-P)

16. Or chores for Dad! :-P

17. I'm getting more (unfortunately) wet wood for the fireplace/wood stove.:-}

18. I'm setting the table. :-

19. Or unloading or loading the dishwasher! :-

20. I'm doing World History! :-D

21. Or English. :-(

22. Or Computers! :-D

23. I'm doing Facebook! :-D

24. Or Gmail. :-D

25. Or chatting, wherever: Gmail, Skype, Facebook....:-D

26. I'm helping out at church with the video camera!:-D

27. I'm doing other stuff on the Web!:-D

28. I'm talking with my grandparents/relatives!:-D

29. I'm taking pictures!!! :-D :-D :-D

30. I'm at a Youth Sabbath School Social!! :-D

31. I'm reading my Bible through in my quiet time!! :-D

32. I'm talking with my friends, or just plain jabbering! :-P

So if I'm not doing any of these things, I might, just MIGHT have time to blog. NOW you might see how busy my schedule REALLY is.......:-)


P.S.-Yesterday I took some really CUTE pictures of my sister riding her bike on our street. I will post them ASAP! :-)