"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Migration Route Opens Again!

Well this past week/weekend my family's "Migration Route" from Michigan to Florida and vice versa opened again for the 2009 season.

My great-aunt Jeanne and uncle Steve spent Valentine's Day weekend with us en route on their month-long vacation in Florida. They were also pleasantly surprised with the renovated guestroom that our "Bed & Breakfast" affords. Before decorated with four shades of brown paneling, our guest room now sports nice new, clean white walls.
During their visit we did many things. Friday night they got here a little after 6 PM, and left here Sunday at about 10 AM. Friday night we talked, ate a wonderful supper, and laughed, sharing a good time all around.

Sabbath morning we all went to our church, McDonald Road SDA, and had a great church service. In the afternoon, Mom, me, Jeanne & Steve all hovered around the computer taking turns on the Internet. We also received a nice phone call from Grandma and Grandpa White currently residing in sunny Florida.

Later Jeanne and I played "Adra-Opoly, a Monopoly-based game in which you buy/rent different "projects" (properties). If you recall, I created this game last year Thanksgiving. It is themed after the charity ADRA. (Adventist Development & Relief Agency, http://www.adra.org/).

After that, we all took a walk along our road. That's when I took most of the photos here. We are glad we could see them for the second year in a row and hope their February visit becomes a strong tradition. :)
I know I've promised a surprise (two weeks ago! :P) but I am running out of computer time right now. But thankfully I am getting some more tomorrow and will try to post the surprise then. :D

~Photobug ^^The whole group, minus me the photographer: (L to R): Jeanne, Dad, Mom, Alison, Steve.

^^Alison with the plate of Valentine's Day cookies. (Could you do me a favor, please? Please don't put that cookie plate TOO close to my sister, or they'll be gone!) :D

^^Dad. What a great shot!

^^Jeanne & Steve.

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