"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Annoucing...the 2nd Annual Spring Photo Contest!

Well, now I have finally unraveled my surprise! In just about 2 weeks the 2nd Annual Spring Photo Contest is to begin! For those of you who have never heard about my photo contests, every year I have 2 photo contests on my blog, in the spring and fall. Ranging from 4-6 weeks long, every week I post new photos for you to vote on, then at the end of the contest there is a Grand Finale in which you, the voters choose your favorite picture.

In the past I have mostly featured my own work, though last autumn I included other people’s pictures. I have decided to do this again. Below are the rules for entering the 2nd Annual Spring Photo Contest.

Rules for 2nd Annual Spring Photo Contest

1) The following categories will be included in the 2nd Annual Spring Photo Contest:

-People: Your kids blowing out birthday candles or playing; your friends and relatives talking or playing a board game, smiling; or you proudly holding up your latest purchase go here.
-Flowers & Scenery: Fabulous flowers, super sunsets and sunrises, majestic mountains and the like are in this category.
-Animals: Dogs, cats, birds, the lizard you find in your house….any living, breathing creature goes here.
-Miscellaneous: Anything that doesn’t go in one of the other categories. Antique cars, toy animals, ancient coins, your million-dollar shot of the space shuttle launching….

2) First come, first serve. Four (4) photos will be accepted for each category. When you e-mail them to me, please put the category you are entering you photo in the subject line of your e-mail. If possible, please downsize your entry. If not, don’t worry one bit and just send them anyway! :D Deadline for entering photos is March 8, 2009.

3) When you enter your photo, please enter by attachment. And in your e-mail write a few details about your shot-say, where you took it, or what caught your eye about it, a funny story, or unusual story. Your name and comment will be posted on my blog along with your picture.

4) (One person) may enter up to 3 photos in the contest. The 2nd Annual Spring Photo Contest will begin in the second week of March, 2009 and continue for 5 weeks until the middle of April of the same year. Note: the photos submitted do not have to be of spring subjects. The contest was only named so because it takes place in the spring.

Well I need to go now. I can’t wait to see you photos!

~Tennessee Photobug

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