"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"...And A Peacock in a Paper Tree!" And Other Such Happenings

Not like it really needs to be said, but for the past couple weeks I have been VERY busy. And that means no posting on this blog! :P So, let me catch you up...

Let's start with the first full week of October. The major happening of the week was that we had to put my service dog, Lauren, to sleep on Oct. 8. She was almost 13 years old. It has been quite the adjustment for our family after having Lauren in the house for 11 years. As you may remember Lauren has been really going downhill this year. Back in January we had to change her food so that she would still be able to use the restroom outside. We finally got that to a semi-stable level, even though we couldn't take her places due to her health. We boarded her at the vet's office when we vacationed this year. And then August 20 came. Lauren really had some issues then. (See my August 24 article for details.)

So. After August Lauren became stable again, just not as healthy as she had been. She still loved petting, could walk around, and CERTAINLY could beg for her favorite treat, bananas!! :P (Insert: If you want to learn more what Lauren did for me, read my November 26, 2008 article.)

But then early this month Lauren had another episode. She started using the restroom in the house, even when she could have come and asked me to take her outside. I suspect that was because her legs were just giving out. Couple days later. She started falling a lot more. And when she'd fall, she would just be sprawled out, in an very awkward and (I'm sure) painful position.

And she didn't want to eat--anything. When Mom offered her some canned dog food, and even a BANANA, Lauren just turned her head away--she didn't eat. She didn't want to drink either. And since Lauren couldn't really walk she definitely couldn't use the restroom outside.

We talked to several of our friends who know Lauren and know a lot about dogs in general. They all agreed it was time to let her go. While a painful decision, our family thought so too. And when Mom took Lauren into the vet a final time, he agreed too. And when a vet doesn't offer any more options...well, there was really nothing else we could do. So having to put Lauren to sleep has been hard on all of us.

OK. Next item on the agenda!! I think MIQ was one of the best things that has ever happened to me this fall, starting on the very day we had to put Lauren down. MIQ stands for Most Important Questions, and it is an evangelistic series hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts.

I thoroughly enjoy any evangelistic series, but MIQ was very special indeed in that it was geared for TEENS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I, for one, really really enjoyed it. As I said before, MIQ came just at the right time, and was a fun thing to look forward to in the week after having to put Lauren to sleep.

The subjects were right-on, and Pastor Batchelor handled them very well. Questions such as, Is there a God? Is the Bible True? How can I control my thoughts? How about my relationships? and many, many, more. As I said, MIQ was just SO TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can learn more about MIQ at its website, www.miqteens.com . You may
view the archives here, though I do not know for how long they will be available for free.

So MIQ has been another, while wonderful, thing that has taken up my time this past week or so.

Couple of other things in my life. Like all other teenagers, I am having to face the monster of standardized testing. Very fun. :P On October 13 I took the PSAT, and so naturally before then I was studying as much as possible.

Last thing here. This past Friday Christmas came to our house! :D Who cares that it was 71 days early!! ;) My sister Alison had worked for two whole days and colored a paper tree, and created and wrapped many hand-made presents for her family. She even had a present for our cats! :D And of course her favored animal "Peacock" had to come to the party as well. So that's where I get the title of this article from!! :)

Anyway, that's a pretty good update of what we've been up to. Hope you enjoyed it! :)


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