"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Silence. Do we really know what it is any more? Certainly seems possible that we don't anymore. We get up in the morning, listen to the radio, listen to the mp3 while eating breakfast, and then rush out the door to school or work or whatever. Now I know I'm exaggerating a bit, but I'm sure you still get my idea. The idea of just sitting still 20-30 minutes does not seem to appeal. Or if not that, we certainly don't seem to have the time!

Recently I've been exploring the wonder of silence. I have a little old weather-beaten bench I've carried out to the farthest corner of our tree-laden property in our woods. I try once a week to go out to my spot, and just be still and sit, think, pray, and assimilate myself into nature. About a month ago my parents bought me a sketchbook in which I've been drawing what I'm seeing out in our woods. (Above you'll see some of my sketches.) It's really a cool adventure. Sometimes I've seen squirrels, other times tufted titmice come within my view. While I'm just a beginning artist, I really enjoy sketching and journaling about what I've seen.

But drawing is not the only reason my "spot" attracts me. In my hectic schedule of work and school (I'm sure you can relate!) it's just...lovely, really, to hike out to my spot, forget my worries, and listen to nature. Watch the birds, the squirrels, the activity around me. It's especially grand when the animals come near me, and I get a special experience.

Another thing I like about being in my spot is that I can be quiet and think, pray. When I'm quiet I can hear the Holy Spirit's still small voice speak to me. A still small voice urging me to be more generous towards the poor, kinder towards my family. There's a variety of things I hear from this voice. Whatever I hear, I know implanting this action will be more Christ-like than I currently am, and that I will be truly happy if I do this action, even if it's hard.

God certainly advocates the be-still-and-quiet idea. In Psalm 46:10 He says:

"Be still, and know that I am God..."

When we are so busy rushing here, rushing there we really can't hear what God wants to tell us. We need to be quiet, be still for a while. We need to have "alone" time with God on a regular basis. We need to have a special, secret spot that we can go to and forget our worries and pray, and listen for what God wants to tell us. Of course being out in God's great outdoors is better, but realistically that is not always possible all the time. Any spot will do, that we can be out of the way of regular life and just be you and God.  I certainly know that from personal experience that this is hard, at first strange to do and certainly hard to fit in the schedule.

Silence is strange in this world of ours. No one seems to have it, and it's certainly hard to come by. But having silence, "alone" time with God where you and God communicate, is essential. It may be hard, but it's definatly worth it.

Have you tried being "alone" with God lately? You'll be glad you did.

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