"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hi Guys!

Well, I thought I'd better sneak in a quick moment to chronicle what's been thrown at me this week.

Sabbath we went to the Earliteen Church at Student Park. Exceptionally wonderful. Bible Sword Drill, Nature Scavenger Hunt, (that was cool!) + discussion and prayer/praise time. Church was good too, with singing and a guy from Couhutta came and gave his testimony. (he was a boat driver at camp, and I think his name is Ricky Swartz, or something like that.)

Last week some of Dad's friends Walt & Doris Lacks came for the weekend. So we had fun talking and visiting them. Lacks housed Dad when he was in grad school in NY way back when. ;) Well, at midnight Sabbath, (well, to be exact 11:57) my uncle came from AZ to say over a week with us. He flew in to Nashville, took a bus to Chatt. and then Dad picked him up.

As you may remember, my uncle and I played over 20 games of SORRY! in June, so this time our goal is 30. We've played half, and he seems to be a game or two in the lead. Unfortunately, he has been winning the past few games. We are doing 5 games a day, or something like that. The tournament is named "Revenge of the Nephew!" ;)

This evening my grandparents from MI (my uncle & mom's parents) are coming to visit us too. So that will be fun. D Oh yes, I'm teaching the Earliteen SS lesson this week!

At Earliteen Church last week Mrs. Oliver asked me if I would, mainly because she and many other people are gone with Pathfinders. So I'm kinda hoping there's not going to be TOO many kids this week if I mess up! But more then scared I'm excited that I can give back to my church and SS finally. It's on Vocation and the Christian.

Today my uncle and I started watching the PBS documentary from the library entitled, Lewis & Clark, by Ken Burns. It is spectacular! ;) AND besides this, I'm having to sqeuze in Algebra, Chemistry, English, and various medical appointments! Oh well.

Anyway, I'd better close off for now. The basement is a mess and I need to help do my part! ;)


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