"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chickamauga Battlefield

So I know the above picture may not look like it was taken in 1863…but I was sure trying! Last week Monday our family, for my late birthday present went to Chickamauga Battlefield in northwest Georgia, which is the country’s first National Military Park, established in 1890. Chickamauga is where one of the major battles of the Civil War took place.

The whole trip was quite fun. There are wide open, grassy fields with wildflowers and thick, green forests with inchworms! :) Alison was enthralled when she found an inchworm on a monument! Erected all over the park are 1,400 monuments/historical markers. We didn’t have time to see quite all of them! However, we traversed the 7-mile paved loop with several nice places to pull over and look at the (I’m sure, literally thousands!) cannon, monuments, and markers. We also liked seeing the two cabins in the park.

I had a lot of fun. I think it is really neat that major history took place close by! We ended up spending about 4 hrs. in the park, and God gave us a beauuuuuuutiful day to sight see! Hope you enjoy my photos!


P.S.—Learn more about the Park at: www.nps.gov/chch

^^I like this shot a lot, save for our 21st-century van in the background! :P

^^I wish I knew what kind of flower this is, but I don''t. I just know that I thought it was really pretty!

^^This picture was taken close to where my other flower picture was taken. For this picture, I'm pretty sure I was lying on the ground, or at least the camera was extremely close to the ground.

^^A look out of the front of our van as we drove the 7-mile loop.
^^A close up of one of the monuments.

^^The entire monument.

^^One of the paths in the park, though we didn't go down it.

^^Another really pretty flower. I really need to learn some more flower names!

^^A close up of another of the monuments.

^^This is what at least half of the park looked like. About half of the park is in woods, the other half in fields. Alison found her inchworm around here.

^^My service "puppy" Lauren enjoyed going with us.

^^Alison enjoyed leading the way to look at a new monument we hadn't seen.

^^I really like the above two cannon pictures!

^^You are looking at a side of one of the cabins in the park. For a new perspective, I turned my camera to get a slanted angle.

^^This is a (I think) 5-story high tower. Seasonally, you can climb it to the very top. We all wanted to climb to the top! However, after a few stairs, Alison, Dad and I decided not to climb with it being very dark inside the tower, not to mention the wet stairs. However, Mom represented our family and climbed to the top and took pictures for us all. :D

^^The second cabin in the park we saw.

^^Mom smiling at me as she takes my picture...and you guessed it, two can play at this game! ;D

^^Me in front of the cabin. Yes I know from the picture it looks like I am not having fun. But that is not correct. I was having a BLAST, I just have a really hard time smiling "on command". :P And yes, if you think I have food on my teeth you are correct. I did!

^^Dad and Alison racing to the top of the hill. Well, hope you enjoyed my photographic tour of Chickamauga Battlefield! If you want to learn more, or go there yourself, be sure to check out their website: www.nps.gov/chch

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