"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another Year Rolls On By

I have a firm belief that everyone should have at least one birthday per year. I really like birthdays, and mine came this past Sabbath. :D

Since my birthday was on a Sabbath :D :D we went to church and Sabbath School in the morning. It was really fun. Our pastor talked about "time margins", and how in our busy schedule we need to make time for God. He also quoted some statistics, one of which being that the average teen spends 7.5 hrs. a DAY on various media!! Wow. I sure don't have that much time to spend!! (Not that I wish I had that much time, either).

Sabbath School was also excellent. We talked about the sermon, then got onto the lesson which was on testimonies.

After church and Sabbath School, we came home and ate some delicious tortillas, beans, rice and lettuce. It was REAAAAAAAALY good!! :D

After lunch came the presents. :) My sister Alison gave me some very nice trinkets, and my parents and grandparents gave me some very nice presents as well. Some more notable presents were:

  • Some checks :D
  • A NEW 2010 US Atlas (background: my latest atlas is a 1999 version, and is literally falling apart! :P)
  • A new phone-time card
  • A 15-in-1 gadget with spell check, thesaurus, dictionary, games, and SAT words, plus more...
  • Jack Blanco's book Witness. It is a unified story of Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. It looks really really good!
In the afternoon I played with my new toys! :) Alison & I played Egypt to Canaan, a Bible-based board game.

The evening was defiantly a highlight for me. My best friends came over, and we had a grand time playing together!!! :D :) ;) My friend Ben (who also has Flight Simulator) and I talked quite a bit about camp (Cohutta Springs Youth Camp), Sabbath School, and my photos.
Later Ben's older sister Briana came in and we three played the board game Bibleopoly. We never finished the game, but we sure had fun acquiring and trading proprieties (Bible cities)! :)
(Note: Whenever Ben and Briana and I get together, many laughs and memories are always in order!)
Later after sundown (since I don't consider Flight Simulator Sabbath-appropriate) Ben and I traded some planes for Flight Simulator. It was really fun! Soon after my friends had to leave.

Then on Sunday I got a surprise invitation to go over to Ben's house and fly some!! While it wasn't on my birthday I still consider it part of my birthday celebration. Ben and I flew a NASA F-15, a F-14, as well as a smaller commuter plane. We enjoyed flying around San Diego, San Francisco, and Edwards Air Force Base. Ben introduced me to bad weather on Flight Simulator--the F-15 in absolutely overcast, in the middle of clouds, VERY heavy precipitation, and wind gusts up to 50 mph, or something like that...it was quite a sight to behold! :D But it was still very fun. There are things you do on Flight Simulator you just wouldn't do in the real world! ;D

So that's what we did for my 17th birthday. Now I am considered "ancient" among my circle of friends...along with Briana. I am hoping that next week our family can go visit some Civil War battlefields for my birthday celebration as well! :D


P.S.--I "should" have pictures up here soon....

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