Hi Everyone!
Sorry I haven't blogged much this week. Since there have been many thunderstorms this week, I haven't been able to get on a lot. Anyway.
This week my father took me outside to take some pictures of Alison's sunflowers. Included are 3 photos of sunflowers, plus some other shots I got of other summer-time flowers in our yard.
Mom has been very busy this week. Tuesday we all went to a produce stand to get peaches-and we ended up with 8 half-bushel boxes of them. That was Mom's birthday present, as her birthday was Wednesday. Mom has just about been peeling peaches 24/7 to freeze them and make them into jam, which I tasted today. Very good! All things considered, Mom started peeling peaches Tuesday and finished at 11:30 last night!!!
Yesterday Mom, Dad and I all had dental check-ups. But for me, I had an additional medical appointment: my first post-op surgery visit. Thankfully, the doctor said everything was healing up perfect. And when the doctor's happy, I'm happy! I got a new cast too. This time, instead of a lemonade-colored cast, I chose bright yellow. I really like it. The yellow was named, "Sunbeam Yellow"! :)
But, like all doctor visits, this one didn't come without its fair share of pain. I had had a pin put into my foot (see previous article for photo) and Dr. Bruce said it was ready to come out. So he took it out. But it hurt A LOT! Also I had sutchers (sp.?) to come out too, and that hurt a lot too. Oh well. At least I'm through it now! I go back for more of a pain-free visit to Dr. Bruce in 3 weeks, hopefully to get a walking cast! ;)
Well, I guess I'd better go before the storm hits! Bye! Happy Sabbath!