"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's a ZOO around here!!!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for my absence in blogging. With camp, life, and my upcoming surgery :( , I haven't had much time to blog. But anyway, so much for that.

Today is my sister's birthday! We went to the Chattanooga Zoo this morning, and it was a lot of fun. We saw cougars, monkeys, chimps, birds, and all kinds of animals! It was a lot of fun. Alison especially enjoyed riding the merry-go-round the zoo had. There were all kinds of animals you could ride on, and she chose the polar bear. I took several pictures of her and Mom on the ride. The Carousel reminded me of the one at Greenfield Village. Altogether, I took 251 photos at the zoo. I will try to post some of my best shots on this blog when I get a chance.

We are going to do presents about 3:00pm, and the birthday meal at supper. I have given Alison a Slinky and a Pinwheel, and Grandma and Grandpa W. gave her an alphabet train puzzle with numbers from 1-20. More presents to come.

On another note, camp was great! I took 568 pictures at camp last week, and of course had TONS of fun. I made a candle, pounded out a metal punch of a horse, and slipped down an 150-foot water slide. I climbed a rock wall and experienced both swimming and canoeing. I will post camp photos sometime next week probably, though there's a chance I might do it this week.

The campfire programs were great. Especially Friday night's which talked about how Jesus will only help us when we ask him, he does not force his way in. It also showed how Jesus is so much more powerful than Satan, but how he was killed by his own people he had come to save. The play also showed Jesus coming alive from the grave, which was really awesome!

All I can say is that camp (and Friday night) was awesome, spectacular, great, amazing, wonderful and beyond words!

On Sabbath our cabin went to Fort Mountain, to see the amazing over-2000-feet-above-sea-level views. I took the photo included with this article, a self-portrait on Fort Mountain.

Besides all of the above about camp, my cabin, Mohawk, got Honor Cabin twice, AND got the VERY coveted prize of Honor Cabin of the Week! Like, only two cabins from the whole camp get that!

Okay, okay. I'm done talking about camp for now. But please pray for me this weekend and next week, as I'm having bone surgery on my right foot Friday.....:( Thankfully, my P.T. from TX is coming for the weekend, (YEAAAAA!!!!!!) to help us though. So please pray for me. I will try to post when I can.
