"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

42 Years Ago...the first manned Saturn V!

Exactly 42 years ago today, Apollo 8 was launched. At 7:51am, December 21, 1968, Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders were the first humans to ride the mammoth Saturn V rocket. Watch this (above) video and see this historic launch for yourself! :D

Be sure to visit my actual blog to view this video! Read my previous article on Apollo 8 for more details. Be sure also to read NASA's article on Apollo 8.


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