"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, December 11, 2010

God's Creations--All different, yet all beautiful

Snowfall in our front yard.
Can you spot the falling snowflakes?
Ahhh....snowflakes, snow, and that wonderful time all children know...when they can go out and play in the snow! December is the time of year for us at least when the weatherman starts predicting the possibility of little flurries of white wonder falling on our little corner of Tennessee.

While our family does enjoying playing in the snow, one of my favorite things about a snowfall is watching the snow fall gently and quietly to the ground as it covers the ground in a blanket of white. (I especially enjoy this activity when I'm inside by the nice warm fire!)

As I gaze out our front window (see above picture) it's really hard for me to believe that each snowflake is different. I mean, in my pictures I just see them as white blurs! When they've fallen to the ground I see them in quantity as blankets of white. I remember reading about "Snowflake" Wilson Bentley as a child, and just marveling at the beauty and individuality of each snowflake. How can each snowflake be different in thousands, millions of snowflakes? All having six sides, all different and beautiful in their own way.

I've been doing some thinking about snowflakes. All different, yet all beautiful. Numerous as the sands on the sea, yet God gives thought to make each snowflake different and beautiful.

I guess there's a couple of lessons that could be learned from the snowflake. First of all, since God notices every sparrow that falls (Matthew 10:31) and takes time to carefully craft each snowflake different, wouldn't He take notice of me, and care for me? I know this is a comforting thought to me.

Another lesson would be the plan, the beauty of individuality. God made each snowflake different, yet each is beautiful. Being human, it is extremely easy to pick out what we think are "faults" in our fellow humans. May it be a thought, physical feature, or what that is different from us, we think is "funny" or "wrong". And too often we poke fun at someone for their "wrong" something, and hurt their feelings.

It really shouldn't be this way. God has a specific idea, a perfect plan when He made each one of us. He endowed each one of us with different abilities, talents, and ideas, and we shouldn't poke fun at God's individual, beautiful creation.  God's plan for each one of us is different, and perfectly suited for us with the abilities and talents we have.

I encourage each and every one of you to not poke fun at another person just because he or she is "different". Being "different" isn't necessarily bad. God doesn't make mistakes--he doesn't with the snowflakes! He has a beautiful plan just as individual and unique as that person is. Yes, some people may be "different" than we are, but that may just mean that God has endowed them with other talents and abilities than we have, to do different things for Him. Every one of God's creations is beautiful and individual-just like the snowflakes. Don't poke fun at God's creation!

1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts Austin! Love the pictures of the snowflakes you added--where did you find them?
