"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chicken Charlie's Grand Michigan Adventure, Part 6

What's happening: Geocacher "Photobug" takes trackable "Chicken Charlie" on vacation with him to Michigan. One of the places they visit is Greenfield Village, an outdoor history museum near Detroit.

Hey guys, this here is Chicken Charlie again! Remember last time, I told ya I would have a surprise for you today? Well, I do! After two days of going to Greenfield Village, we headed back there again. Now you must understand something. With all the sooo many things we were doing in Greenfield Village, I honestly wondered if that place ever had an end. So when Photobug took me back to Greenfield Village, quite frankly, I was prepared for anything. Well, when we got there, we didn't stay the whole day in the Village. Sure, we took the usual Model T and carousel rides first, but after that we exited the Village and went right next door to the Henry Ford Museum!

Of course, I had never heard of the Henry Ford Museum before. Photobug filled me in, explaining that Henry Ford also founded the Henry Ford Museum in 1929. Instead of history outside, the Museum is history inside! There's cars and chairs and trains and planes and so much more! First, we saw some old cars--newer than the Model T's, but still pretty funny-looking. Then we visited a whole exhibit on early airplanes....you already know my feelings on those! I mean, c'mon, why does EVERYONE give such high praise and credit to the Wright brothers? I think they should give us BIRDS more attention!! Well anyway, I consented and posed for a few pictures.

After lunch, we got to visit some farm machinery...and a very funny car. It looked like a HOT DOG! Crazy humans. Still, my favorite part of the museum was the absolutely ginormous C & O Allegheny locomotive. Photobug told me it was 125 feet long and weighed over 600 tons. I couldn't really understand that, but I do know that it was HUGE!! I really enjoyed being able to fly up to the cab and take a look out the windows! (see picture).

In the afternoon we went back to the Village! (Imagine that.) After another carousel ride, we visited some really cool houses and farms from like the 1700s, followed by a tour of Noah Webster's home. Photobug later told me that Noah Webster created the English dictionary or something. Finally, we concluded the day with visiting the Firestone Farm, and a tour of Harvey Firestone's own boyhood home. Quite frankly, however, my favorite part was getting to meet some real chickens!

And now here's some of Photobug's pictures, along with my captions.

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^^Can you spot me on the coupler?

There were so many cool cars, even though they still looked a little funny.

^^Looking out the window of 600 tons...
^^Photobug loves being in this cab! Can you spot me, too?

(above & below): Just another instance of humans making SUCH a big deal about the Wright Brothers...

^^Watch out!

^^Photobug's sister loved testing her own paper planes!
^^What is this, a car or a hot dog? Hmmmm....Photobug told me something about this being a 1952 Weinermobile, or something like that...
^^I don't think I'd like to be a hot dog...
(above & below): Photobug & his sister in a really cool old car!

(above and below): me on the Rosa Parks bus. Rosa Parks took a stand and sat down on this bus in 1955, starting the end of transportation segregation.

(above  & below): Some cool old farm machinery!

(above and below): In the afternoon, we once again visited Greenfield Village. This time, we hit up some cool old houses, such as the Cotswald Cottage from the 1700s. I loved the beautiful flower beds!

Next few photos are of the Daggart home and garden, circa 1750. The only missing thing, I thought, was a chicken house!

(above, and below 2 pictures): Sorry, Photobug didn't have a photo of the outside of Noah Webster's home. But I thought that the inside was pretty neat!

These last few photos are of the Firestone Farm. I liked everything, but I especially enjoyed meeting a REAL chicken! Bawk, bawk, SQUAWK!

I also really liked the barn, except that it was dark and the cows were LOUD! SQUAWK!

"...and a chicken in a hayloft!"
Right at closing time, we got to view the Torch Lake steaming away one more time. Goodbye, toot-toot!

^^Photobug LOVED this picture!!

*    *    *

Well, that was Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum! It was a lot for a little bird to take in, but I really did enjoy all the rides and history. Believe it or not, Photobug & I actually did more than go to history museums on our vacation! Find out what else we did in my next, and final article on my Grand Michigan Adventure!

More later, 
Chicken Charlie

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