"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chicken Charlie's Grand Michigan Adventure, Part 7

What's happening: Geocacher "Photobug" takes trackable "Chicken Charlie" with him on vacation to Michigan. They visit lots of history museums, but that's not all they do!

Hey guys! This is Chicken Charlie once again! In this final article, I'm gonna  tell you what Photobug and I did when we were not going to history museums. Can you guess? Yep! You're right--geocaching!!

Of course, being a geocaching trackable myself, I just had gobs of fun visiting all the different caches! We found some in Michigan, and then on our way back to Tennessee we found some caches in Kentucky. Following are some photos and descriptions of some caches that I found!

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^^This one was one of my favorites--it was named, "I don't see no quails". Birds are GREAT!

^^Small, but a quick find for a smart bird like me!

^^This cache was really wedged in the tree. I had a hard time getting it--and ME--outta there!! SQUAWK!

The pictures above are of me with some Michigan caches Photobug & I found. Some were easy, some were quite hard! The below photos are of the Kentucky caches we found.

(above and below): Pictures of me with caches in a Kentucky park! I really enjoyed finding them, as I was able to retrieve a geocoin & see a real bird, a dove!

^^This cache was right by a guardrail. I love finding big caches with trackables in them!

^^When Photobug and I got back to Tennessee, he dropped me off in his very own cache, "The Greenway Launch Pad". He was quite sad that our adventure together had come to an end, but I told him that while I had had a grand time with him, it was time for me to fly on. As Photobug put me in his cache and screwed the lid on, he told me that he had had a grand time with me, too, and wished me the best of luck on my future journeys. 

*    *    *

Geocacher "buleycomes2" took me 2,000 miles,
from Tennessee to the Pacific Ocean in California!

SQUAWK! I've traveled more than 2,000 miles since Photobug took me to Michigan and back. Just a few days after Photobug dropped me off in his cache, another geocacher named "buleycomes2" (and friend of Photobug) picked me up and took me to California and the Pacific Ocean! I've really enjoyed seeing the West Coast, and will continue to enjoy my future journeys. However, I will always remember Photobug and our Grand Michigan Adventure that we took together, traveling 1,300 miles together, visiting 14 caches and 6 history museums!

If you would ever like to catch up on my current adventures, just go to: http://www.geocaching.com/track/ and in the box where it says to "search for a trackable by name" just type "Chicken Charlie".

Well, it's time for me to fly!

Chicken Charlie 

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