"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An uncle sorely missed! :(

Well, as of 10:30 today, my Uncle Brian left our home to fly back to his home in Phoenix, AZ.

Within 15 minutes I was crying!

We played SORRY at least 7 times, and I won the majority, so I'm the "SORRY champion".
Brian and I played BIBLEOPOLY (a Bible version of MONOPOLY) 4 days in a row, Friday, Sabbath, Sunday and Monday and he won all 4 times! ;) So he is the "BIBLEOPOLY champion"!:)
We also played Fooseball a couple times.

Yesterday afternoon Brian took me and we got a book from the ABC I wanted.
We had pizza last night.

I took a math test, studied for a Biology test, and wrote a letter for school today.

But we have exchanged e-mail addresses, and I am for sure going to keep in touch.

But Uncle Brian is still going to be sorely missed....:(

Tennessee Photobug

P.S.-I will get a picture of me and Uncle Brian up here on this post as soon as I can.

Monday, November 26, 2007

An Amazing Aquarium

Yesterday I went on a trip of a lifetime-a trip to the Tennessee Aquarium! It was tremendously fun.
For most of the time I was alone with Brian and/or Grandpa, which was really nice. With a toddler sister, it's hard to get a lot of "alone" time.

I've just posted two photo-articles that contain a bunch of photos from my trip.

My favorite exhibits were the penguins and the butterfly garden. Included with this article is my favorite picture I took at the Aquarium. There were a BUNCH of fish, some scary and some not.
(Quick! Write down what I'm about to say, so you have proof that I said this!)There were two buildings, and in one there was an absolutely HUGE saltwater tank.
In this tank there were SHARKS! and it was kind of fun taking pictures of them! (WHAT! Did I say that I LIKED sharks?!?) But it all makes a difference which side of the glass you're on!;D

There was even a place where you could go inside a tunnel and see what a fish sees! Last but least, there was an "Undersea Cavern" where you could under and see the "Secret Reef" (where the sharks were) from underneath!

The Tennessee Aquarium was a GREAT place to go to. I made a lot of memories there.
For more info, visit their website at: www.tnaqua.com.

More later,
Tennessee Photobug

Aquarium Photos-batch #2

Here's some more pictures from my trip to the Tennessee Aquarium yesterday.

OK-I admit (and must give credit) to my Uncle Brian who took some of these photos. We both took photos at the aquarium and we put them all together so you can see only the best shots! Enjoy!

Out in the deep a monster lurks....

...he comes closer, and closer and you would never know he's there except that you feel that someone is by you...;)

Would you like to play "Connect-the-Dots", Mr. Fish??

Fishy, fishy swim in the water, fishy fishy, swishy swish...;)

Black & white butterfly beauty.

A once-in-a-lifetime picture. I love butterfly gardens!

Well, that's it for your Internet tour from Photobug of the Tennessee Aquarium. A regular article is coming up next!

Tennessee Photobug

Aquarium Photos-batch #1

Here's some pics from my trip yesterday to the Tennessee Aquarium. More photos and an article are coming!

Tennessee Photobug

Funny Uncle Brian and me at the Aquarium in the "Cove Forest"....

....Grandpa and me. Photo shoot!

Waterfall in the Cove Forest.

Penguin Flock. This was one of my favorite exihibits.

Jellyfish. Cool!;)

Exotic sleeping jellyfish.

Pretty rainbow colored fish!

See ya later, alligator!;)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

In the mist of night....my uncle arrives!!

Well, last night my Uncle Brian came to our home at midnight, give or take a few minutes. Sorry I don't have pictures of the grand entry; I was asleep!

In the morning at about 7:00am, I heard some talking. Surely it couldn't be Uncle Brian up so early, I thought in my head. But then I heard his voice. I leaped out of bed and sure enough, he was there and awake. He had come upstairs to use the restroom, but Alison had caught him before he could go back to bed. Even though it was 5:30 to him, he started talking and playing with me and Alison.

We went downstairs, (by this time most of the household had awaken) and he played Foosball with me. I won by only a score, and it was close. But my victorious feelings were soon crushed as he slaughtered me at Air Hockey!;) He won, 12-3!!

After showing Brian some of my pictures and after Alison gave a puppet show, we went up to eat breakfast. And it was like 8:45!

Anyway, after breakfast I showed my uncle some of my powerpoints and my blogs. It was fun. Now he is taking a well-deserved nap!;)

We had our Thanksgiving dinner at lunch this year. We had mashed and sweet potatos, cranberry sauce, cider, juice, salad, loaf, bread, roast, and two kinds of pies. However, as a tradition, I have once again held my slim shape though yet another Thanksgiving!!;)

After lunch, Brian, Mom, Grandma and I played the game of Sorry. I won. Brian, Grandma, and I played a second game called "Skip-Bo", and I won that too. Anyway, it has been a wonderful Thanksgiving.

In this article I have included a picture I took on my grandfather's camera of my uncle Brian.

Tennessee Photobug

P.S.-Happy Thanksgiving!:)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hark, hark! There's a Hawk!

This afternoon as I was doing my Biology schoolwork, I saw some kind of bird of prey fly into our back yard. I couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but I knew this bird was something special you don’t see everyday. So I left my schoolwork to get my camera. (Yes, that’s “legal” with Mom as I need to photograph or draw 30 Tennessee native animals that I have seen for my Tennessee Natural History class.)

When I tried to take photos through our large screen door, my zoom didn’t reach far enough. So I went virtually under the tree that this bird was under and took some shots. Thankfully, I didn’t get hurt and he didn’t fly away. After getting a couple nice shots, I went inside. From the pictures I took, Grandma and I made a guess that the bird I saw was a Red-Shouldered Hawk. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. I'm including one of my better shots.

Let’s see…what else happened today? This morning Grandpa and I worked on a story and Grandpa also played with Alison. We ate hot dogs and crackers for lunch. In the afternoon Alison went down for nap and Mom and Dad went out for a date together while Grandma and Grandpa stayed with me and Alison. Mom and Dad are still out now. Grandpa took a nap and I did my Biology…and that was when I saw the hawk.

Grandma also went out to the woods with me today.

More later,
Tennessee Photobug

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Grandparents arrive in beautiful Tennessee!

Well, my Grandpa and Grandma from Michigan are now here at our abode. They arrived here at about 6:45pm. They will stay here with us until the 28th of this month.

We have already had a lot of fun with them. I have shown Grandpa some of my PowerPoints that I have made, and we have also gone out to our woods and taken pictures, even doing a photo shoot out there.
Our little place here in Tennessee is really beautiful right now, especially with all the fall color.
We have also looked at each other's photos.

On a different note, I thought I'd tell you about some changes I made on this blog.

I have what you might think made 3 new labels in "Article & Column Links".

  • What used to be the labels "Alison's Angle" and "Pumpkins Place/Woofer Wisdom" is now just simply "Alison's Angle and other columns".
  • I deleted the label "My life/my photos" since there was so many posts in there (43) and I thought that if anyone DID want to read my past posts, they can go directly to the post of their choice under "Archives".
  • For the people who want to read some of my recent posts that might not be on the home page, I created "Thanksgiving". This label consists of posts posted in November. You can also get to these posts in "November" under "Archives", which is right below "Article and Column Links".
  • "Woods photos" is really just what it sounds like. "Woods photos" is posts that have my photos of our woods.

    Currently Mom and Grandma are gone to the Samaritan Center, Grandpa's napping, Dad's working on his laptop, and I'm on the computer.

    Included in this post are some photos I thought y'all might like.

    Tennessee Photobug

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Woods Walk

This afternoon, Dad, Alison and I went back to our little piece of woods. It is really pretty, almost magical. Posted here are some of the best photos. ;)

I thought these leaves pictures were just soooo pretty.

Now, can you believe all this woods is literally just right out my back yard???

More later,
Tennessee Photobug

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ride into Time

Hi! This is a short story I wrote for school. I thought y'all might like it...;)

Tennessee Photobug

"I call my story...


Sometimes when I feel like nothing is happening except school, school, and more school, I think of all the fun times I had with my Grandpa this summer. One of my favorite memories with my grandfather is the time when we were at Greenfield Village watching the steam train Edison.

As the train chug-a-chugged past us, we were determined we wanted to ride it. We were only on foot and the nearest train station was still a ways off.

When I told Grandpa of my exciting plan to ride the train, he agreed. Then we started to run, run to Susquehanna Station and get a seat on this unique puffer.

Run, run…on the grass, on the road. My grandfather trails behind. Run, run…past the gatehouse. My lungs feel like bursting, my legs feel like they can’t take anymore, but I keep running… over the bridge, we both scurry.
Run, run…jog! Sprint! Run for your life! We’ve got to get on that train!
…toot, toot!! The train’s almost at Susquehanna Station Help! I’m out of breath! I must stop, I have to stop! But no! We must keep going….ding, dong; ding, dong…the Edison is at the station!!
Up to the train and through the crowd. In a few seconds we are seated on the Edison, waiting for our ride into time to begin.

Now, whenever I look at the picture that Grandpa took of the Edison (above), I always think of my grandpa and all the fun times we have had at Greenfield Village.
As I dream at night now, I can almost smell the smoke huffing-puffing out of the smokestack and the shrill toot of the whistle, calling me back to Michigan and Greenfield Village once again next summer.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Life in General

Well, I guess there hasn't been much to talk about lately, but I thought I might inform you about what's happening. Last week our family went over to another teacher's home and carved pumpkins. It was a lot of fun. At home, We would light it sometimes, and Alison would say her pumpkin was "smiling"! (See picture). Dad took this picture.
Yesterday Ryan and Jessica-some neighbor kids-came over to show us their pet rabbit. They were really nice. I took some pictures of their rabbit, but I haven't gotten them onto the computer yet. I will post my rabbit shots when I can.

Yes, Woofer Wisdom and Pumpkin's Place are coming, but I haven't been able to type my cat and dog's articles onto the computer yet. They're coming, but all I seem to have time for now is school and sleep!!!;)

More later,

Tennessee Photobug