"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ride into Time

Hi! This is a short story I wrote for school. I thought y'all might like it...;)

Tennessee Photobug

"I call my story...


Sometimes when I feel like nothing is happening except school, school, and more school, I think of all the fun times I had with my Grandpa this summer. One of my favorite memories with my grandfather is the time when we were at Greenfield Village watching the steam train Edison.

As the train chug-a-chugged past us, we were determined we wanted to ride it. We were only on foot and the nearest train station was still a ways off.

When I told Grandpa of my exciting plan to ride the train, he agreed. Then we started to run, run to Susquehanna Station and get a seat on this unique puffer.

Run, run…on the grass, on the road. My grandfather trails behind. Run, run…past the gatehouse. My lungs feel like bursting, my legs feel like they can’t take anymore, but I keep running… over the bridge, we both scurry.
Run, run…jog! Sprint! Run for your life! We’ve got to get on that train!
…toot, toot!! The train’s almost at Susquehanna Station Help! I’m out of breath! I must stop, I have to stop! But no! We must keep going….ding, dong; ding, dong…the Edison is at the station!!
Up to the train and through the crowd. In a few seconds we are seated on the Edison, waiting for our ride into time to begin.

Now, whenever I look at the picture that Grandpa took of the Edison (above), I always think of my grandpa and all the fun times we have had at Greenfield Village.
As I dream at night now, I can almost smell the smoke huffing-puffing out of the smokestack and the shrill toot of the whistle, calling me back to Michigan and Greenfield Village once again next summer.