"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Thursday, November 22, 2007

In the mist of night....my uncle arrives!!

Well, last night my Uncle Brian came to our home at midnight, give or take a few minutes. Sorry I don't have pictures of the grand entry; I was asleep!

In the morning at about 7:00am, I heard some talking. Surely it couldn't be Uncle Brian up so early, I thought in my head. But then I heard his voice. I leaped out of bed and sure enough, he was there and awake. He had come upstairs to use the restroom, but Alison had caught him before he could go back to bed. Even though it was 5:30 to him, he started talking and playing with me and Alison.

We went downstairs, (by this time most of the household had awaken) and he played Foosball with me. I won by only a score, and it was close. But my victorious feelings were soon crushed as he slaughtered me at Air Hockey!;) He won, 12-3!!

After showing Brian some of my pictures and after Alison gave a puppet show, we went up to eat breakfast. And it was like 8:45!

Anyway, after breakfast I showed my uncle some of my powerpoints and my blogs. It was fun. Now he is taking a well-deserved nap!;)

We had our Thanksgiving dinner at lunch this year. We had mashed and sweet potatos, cranberry sauce, cider, juice, salad, loaf, bread, roast, and two kinds of pies. However, as a tradition, I have once again held my slim shape though yet another Thanksgiving!!;)

After lunch, Brian, Mom, Grandma and I played the game of Sorry. I won. Brian, Grandma, and I played a second game called "Skip-Bo", and I won that too. Anyway, it has been a wonderful Thanksgiving.

In this article I have included a picture I took on my grandfather's camera of my uncle Brian.

Tennessee Photobug

P.S.-Happy Thanksgiving!:)