Well today the weather was quite nice, and in the afternoon we took a walk! Today was really the first nice day in a while. We walked on the Promenade, and (of course!) I had to bring my camera. I was not disappointed with photo opportunities! Flowers, frogs, bees, and butterflies all presented themselves to me, though some were more cooperative than others! :P
All in all I had a grand time with my camera.
All in all I had a grand time with my camera.
I really don't have any memories of September--I just think of it as the month between sweltering August & awesome cool October--but I am realizing there is some real September beauty!
Anyway, below are some of my better shots...enjoy! :D
^^I wonder what this little froggy is thinking...can you spot him?
^^I loved this bee shot! :D
The End! Hope you've enjoyed my photos. :)
Lovely pictures! I'm jealous of your bee shot!