"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

His Royal Highness Learns A Lesson

FYI: This week in my English class I had to write a folktale...here it is. I based it on our animals, so it is kinda true and not true all at the same time...enjoy! :)


His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Whole House, Pumpkin Pie the First lazily relaxed on the dining room table. He may have just been a little orange tabby cat, but His Royal Highness held quite a high opinion of himself.

“I am a cat. I can do anything I want.”

He took little notice that he had been told many times not to go on the table (where he was) or that he could not go in the Middle World. He was so proud of himself that he leaped off the table, ran, and found his cat-brother, Felix.

Felix was a wise, old cat. He did not move around a lot because of his age. And while he was not too tolerant of “the younger generation”, as he called His Royal Highness, Felix would give good, sound advice when asked.

“I am a cat. I can do anything I want.” His Royal Highness stated.

Felix did not think this was too good of a statement.

“You…may…be…a…cat…” Felix sleepily responded. His Royal Highness was sure Felix would go to sleep and not finish the advice. But the tabby cat was wrong.


At that Felix dropped his head, and started again one of his 25-hours-a-day sleep cycles.

His Royal Highness was not too happy with this advice.

“While the cats are away, the mice do play!” His Royal Highness jumped, twirled and sang. “I’m the mouse and Felix the cat! I can do anything I want!”

His Royal Highness was not a good cat. He did not have the understanding that comes with age that some things are not the best for you. And despite Felix’s advice, His Royal Highness turned his paws to the stairs, to the Middle World. He ran down the stairs, and bounded up into the basement window, which was the path into the Middle World.

The Middle World was the space between the upstairs and the basement. There were wires, and dust, and installation and spider webs. And it was just the right height for a cat. A cat like him.

“I am a cat. I can do anything I want.” His Royal Highness pushed Felix to the back of his tiny brain. “Felix doesn’t know how fun and harmless the Middle World is. He doesn’t want me to have fun!”

His Royal Highness succumbed to the temptation and leaped into the Middle World.

His Royal Highness was so sure of himself that he hadn’t told anybody where he was going. He had gone traversing the Middle World so many times he knew it like the back of his paw. Nothing would go wrong this time.

“Ouch!” His Royal Highness cried. “Ouch! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! A spider bit my leg! Ouch, ouch, ouch, OWWWW!!!” Being so focused on his leg, His Royal Highness did not look where he was going. Suddenly he found his leg stuck in a hole in the ceiling tiles. If one were in the basement, he would have seen a little orange paw hanging down.

“And Felix doesn’t know where I am because I disobeyed! Meow! Meow! Meow!”

Now His Royal Highness did not feel so high anymore. He rather felt like His Royal Lowness! The orange feline again took up the cry, “Meow! Meow! Meow! Meee—oooow! Meeowww!!!”

His Royal Highness was stuck in the Middle World. And nobody knew he needed help. He was starting to realize the wisdom in Felix’s advice. “Meow! Meow! Meow!”

Lauren was an aged, gentle Golden Retriever. She was having a wonderful time sleeping the day away. But at times she would be awake with her eyes open.

“Ahhh….back to sleep, back to sleep,” Lauren moaned. “Ohhh! What’s that?”

She had heard His Royal Highness’ cry for help. Lauren stood up.

“Go and help, go and help, that’s what the dog does,” she sang. Trotting downstairs with tail wagging, she located where His Royal Highness was stuck. It was not too hard find His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness’s furry, spider-webbed paw vigorously moved up and down through the ceiling several times a minute.

“Go and help, go and help…I’ll be back soon, Punky.” Lauren reassured the cat.

Punky was the family nickname for His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Whole House, Pumpkin Pie the First. His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Whole House, Pumpkin Pie the First did not think “Punky” was regal enough, and he preferred to be referred to as “His Royal Highness”.

With tail wagging and ears perked, Lauren trotted up the stairs to The Human. At first, The Human could not figure out what Lauren wanted.

“What do you want, Lauren? Do you want food?”

Lauren took the food, but still pestered The Human. Then Lauren had a bright idea.

“I’ll just keep walking between The Human and the stairs,” Lauren thought.

So that’s what Lauren did. Tail wagging and ears perked, the gentle Golden kept trotting between The Human and the stairs.

Finally The Human caught on. “Okay, Lauren,” The Human said. “Let’s go downstairs.”

Excitedly leading the way, Lauren showed The Human where His Royal Highness was stuck. Lauren was so happy when The Human lifted a ceiling tile, unstuck His Royal Highness, and gently lowered the feline to the ground.

Typical of cats, His Royal Highness scurried away, giving no thanks. However, the little orange tabby cat had learned a lesson, to never disobey your elders. Not for a long time yet, would he ever again enter the Middle World.

1 comment:

  1. Your story is SO funny, Austin! And the photo with it is PURRRRRRRfect!
