"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Monday, March 21, 2011

I, The Cat: Geo-cating

I, The Cat, His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Entire House, Pumpkin Pie the First, shall now give you another glimpse of the (almost) ideal life that I live.

But don't think that I am giving you this interview because you asked. No, I am the cat. Cats proudly rule, and the humans cower and obey, making us happy even to our slightest whims.

About a month ago, my subjects (also known as my humans) got into the strangest new hobby! They call it "geocaching". From what I can deduct, they go get some information from the computer onto a GPS, and then go and find the container wherever it is. Then they come back and log online that they have found it!

Hmph. I really don't see the point in it! I mean, I find things and I don't even need a GPS-whatever-it-was! I find my human. I don't need a GPS for that! I sit and stare at her. MEOW! I tell her she needs to find MY fish, put in in my bowl, and give it to me. She doesn't need a GPS for that!

I've been thinking that I need to create a new hobby. It's called, "Geo-catting", and in this hobby (a twist off of geoCACHING) you go and find things...but with out a GPS! I mean, c'mon! Why do those crazy humans have to pay HUNDREDS of dollars to find little containers hidden outside?? We cats are MUCH better equiped with our natural reasources. Like our noses, for example. Or our sight and hearing which is FAR superior to my subjects' senses!

So. In geo-cating you don't need to pay boo coo bucks to find the caches! All this technology is already built into us by our loving Creator. Since I am only an inside-only cat, I will hide many geocaches (or geocats) around my house. Like, for example, in the Middle World, which is off-limits for my subjects! I might even be able to create a website called "www.geocat.com" and then post co-ordinates on there! For example, I could write a geocache detail page like this:

Small container hidden atop cat food container. You will need to jump onto the refrigerator first, then leap across open space, elegantly gliding in superb feline style. 

Additional hints: The nose knows...you will find a nice little surprise treat in the geocat. Please leave pawprint and date in log.

Punky, also known as:

His Royal Highness,
King Emperor of the Entire House,
Pumpkin Pie the First

His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Entire House, Pumpkin Pie the First

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