"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Part 5: Florida Finds

As you may know, I am quickly getting addicted to the hobby of geocaching! :D Naturally, I brought my GPS to Florida in hopes of finding several caches. And I was not disappointed! At the start of our week in Florida we were able to visit my cousins, and we found a cache near their home (left, see how excited my cousin Michael is at finding the cache!)

Later in the week we were able to go to a beautiful park near my grandparents' apartment and collect several caches there. We searched for five, and found three!! I thought that was pretty good. ;)
Following is some pictures of the caches found, and some of the surrounding area. One of the places we went was a veteran's island, and so in addition to cache pictures here I also have included some shots from there. :)


 ^^My cousin Melissa with the cache--she actually found it!
 ^^Me with the cache.
 ^^"Do you see what I see??" Can you spot the cache?? It's a brown box, and you can barely make it out. It was so hard we almost gave up--but then Melissa found it.

 ^^Fast-forward to the Veteran's Island area. I just loved this pelican!!
 ^^Grandpa and me with our first cache find of the day!! He found it, it was hard to find. It is just a little bag covered with aluminim foil!
^^The second cache out group found. It was bungied  to a tree branch which was over the water...one step too far and we'd have been wet! :P Mom first sighted this cache. Next few pictures are of the area where we found the cache. It was right by the water in between huge roots and trees!

^^This is the area in which we found our third cache for the day. It was in a grove of trees just like this one, spread all over!!
^^This was the cache (colored blue) in the hollow part of a tree. I thought that it was a pretty cool hiding spot! :D
^^Me with the cache.
^^Okay...change of scenery here. After our geocaching was done, we took a leisurely walk around the Veteran's Island. Here's some of the pictures I took! :) Oh, and I really really liked this shot above!
^^A snake slithered across my path! Eeek!
^^I just loved this cute squirrel!!
(above and below): pictures of the park and monuments.

^^Believe it or not, this photo is in color. I just loved the sun and reflection on the water, with the trees and rocks framing the scene in the foreground!

^^Beautiful pink flower! :)
^^I think I caught a squirrel catching a few ZZZZs! ;)

To be continued.....

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