"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

BEARly a Flag Lowering

So here's my 2nd camp post, out of 7! ;) In this post I will focus on the Monday I was at camp, July 5. Some of the pictures in this post are of the Camp Council. After breakfast and before morning attractions, the whole camp gathers in an amphitheater by the lakeside. We all sing songs, and then two cabins recite that day's memory verse. Then the camp pastor (for that week) will share with us a wonderful message.

For my 2-hour morning attraction, I choose "Spiritual Body-Building".
It was a really awesome class--I learned about my spiritual gifts, testimonies, how to study the Bible, and how to give Bible studies. The class was really cool--just way too short! ;) The picture (above) was taken on a trail my instructor took me on.

Two other photos in this bunch show the flag lowering for July 5. I forget which cabin did it, but whoever it was I thought their idea was really great. This cabin pretty much totally raided the props closet and dressed in several totally different, unrelated costumes. Two cabin members dressed in bear suits, which I thought was pretty cool!!

The rest of the photos in the post are of the campfire play Monday night. In the play, the professor and his student travels in their time machine to ancient Greece. (to be exact, 2010 B.C.! ;D) They meet this girl, "Cassie", who had just won the Olympic Games. She tells them of how she got into exercise, and how exercise can make us feel better. She found out that she liked exercise when she was helping with her mother's wedding. "Cassie" was so mad at what was happening she ran to get something her mother asked for. And thus she learned that she loved running. Or so the play went.

Hope you enjoy my photos! :D


Next few pictures are of Camp Council.

^^Reciting the memory verse...

^^...enthusiastically singing the songs.

(above and below): the flag lowering with the "bears". ;D

^^This is a crazy picture I took of the Fun Times field. Between supper and the campfire programs, the entire camp would play games on this field such as "Capture the Flag" or "Dare base".
Next few pictures are of the play.

More camp news coming soon! :)

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