"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Sunday, July 25, 2010

For Miles and Miles

This is the last of 7 posts on my time at camp! This post will focus on my Sabbath at camp. Of course, Friday night is my favorite part of camp, but Sabbath is a veeeeeery close second! In the morning our cabin got together with another cabin and sang some songs, and shared Bible trivia and devotionals.

After that the whole camp went to the amphitheater where Camp Council is usually held and had a church service. I really really enjoyed it. We sang some really cool songs, the drama and music performance groups performed, and the camp pastor gave one last message. Below is a picture of the drama performance.

^^Our memory verse for Sabbath.

^^ After the church service and lunch, there was a beautiful baptism in God's great outdoors.

Before you judge the teens in the above picture, let me explain. On Sabbath afternoon maybe a third to a half of the camp went to Fort Mountain State Park. We all went on buses, and right after we got started on the trip two of the teens (above) started singing camp songs! Soon the whole bus caught on, including the 5 staff aboard. So for the whole 37-minute trip, we all sang camp songs as loud as we could! It was quite fun, even though it probably annoyed the bus driver a bit. The kid in the middle of the (above) picture was just having fun and wanted to be in my picture.

(above and below): singing on the bus.

^^After maybe a 15-20 minute hike over many rocks, the Cohutta group arrived at the overlook. While hiking, I overheard one hiker (not part of the Cohutta group), "Wow, there must be a lot of them!"

(above and below): views from the overlook. When you're up there it seems like you can see for miles and miles, like you're in an airplane you're so high. It's COOL!!!!!

^^Isn't this a great self-portrait of me?? ;D :P

^^Next few pictures are of some of the staff on Fort Mountain.

^^One of my cabin mates had (too) much fun with his Popsicle sticks and eaten watermelon!

Sabbath evening was a blast! After sundown the camp put on their own version of Saturday Night Live (SNL) with favorite songs, silly skits, and (to me) most importantly, announce which cabins would get Honor Cabin of the Week. One for the boys. One for the girls. Which cabin in each respective village had been the best behaved, been on time, had the cabin the cleanest, been respectful, etc. etc.? Saturday night would tell.

^^Camper Challenge.

^^This guy was really really funny. He was introduced as having more of a "serious act", but his performance was faaaaaaaaaaar from serious! He played the most hilarious song on the keyboard, accompanied by noises he made, which reminded me of a farmyard!!! ;D

^^As the boy's village director started announcing Honor Cabin of the Week, the campers were quiet. Especially on the guy's side. What the boy's village director actually said? "For the first time....in Cohutta's 30-year history....an Honor Cabin of the Week TIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Our cabin, along with Cabin A. had won the Honor Cabin of the Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was sure Cabin A. would get it, and not us, because I thought that they were slightly better than we were. But as the staff told us, there was absolutely no difference between the two cabins. We had the exact same score.
It goes with out saying that I, along with my cabin mates were totally thrilled!! And, just for the record, all three years I've gone to camp my cabin has gotten Honor Cabin of the Week! I don't know why...maybe we just do our best at everything?!?

Next few pictures are on stage when we received Honor Cabin of the Week.

^^"Congratulations, guys!"

^^Plenty of high fives and cheering!
So concludes my description of my week at Cohutta Springs Youth Camp. I hope that you have caught some of the joy, the fun, the spirituality of Cohutta. If you would like to learn more, please visit http://www.cs-yc.com/.

1 comment:

  1. Like how you described your camping experience through photos and notes. Glad it was a good time for you...Congratulations on having an Honor Cabin. I remember the last year I attended camp as a camper. Our cabin was also Honor Cabin, and I received Honor Camper. Memories I cherish.
