"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blogging Through The Gospels: John 20

Wow--John 20--next to last day in "Blogging Through The Gospels"! Sad. I've really enjoyed this awesome journey, getting to know Jesus better than ever! 

John 20--to sum it up, SURPRISE! HE'S BACK! :D John 20 covers several incidences in which Jesus appears to his twelve disciples (and others) shortly after his resurrection. I'd like to SOAP on a thought that the Apostle John recorded at the end of the chapter. 


"Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." ~John 20:30-31


Wow. John is saying that, sure, I didn't record every miracle Jesus did, but the ones that I did record are put in here so that you'll believe that Jesus is the Christ, and Son of God. And even better, by believing this, you can have life in his name! I suspect John is talking about eternal life here, not just usual life. God wants us to experience life above and beyond whatever we have seen before! 


I'd like to play off of a little side note that my Bible includes on verse 31. When the verse says "But these are written that you may...", the "may", my Bible said, may mean "may continue to". So let's try verse 31 again, this time with the revision:

"But these are written that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." 

Wow. Not just believing once, or twice, that Jesus is really who he is, but continuing to believe this. That's what John is saying that the purpose of his book is: that we may continue to believe that Jesus is who he is. Wow. 

I hope that this--continuing to believe that Jesus is really who he is--is your prayer too. It's certainly my prayer  for you! Let's close out this devotional with a word of prayer. 


Dear God, thank you so much for giving me the awesome opportunity to participate in the "Blogging Through The Gospels" program at Mom's Toolbox. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn more about you, and to be more bold about sharing my faith. Help me to not just believe you are who you are once--help me to continue to believe that. And that's my prayer for those who are reading this too--help them to continue to grow closer to you, and to continue to believe in you, in all things, but especially that you are the Christ and Son of God. Thank you for all the wonderful things you've given me. In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in for one last day!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/ 

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