"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Friday, April 22, 2011

Blogging Through The Gospels: Matthew 19

Today's chapter is Matthew 19. It talks about divorce, little children and Jesus, and the rich young ruler.

There were many good points in the chapter; however, I think I shall just skip to my SOAP....


"Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell you possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth." ~Matthew 19:21-22


We all know the story--the rich young ruler comes up to Jesus, and asks him what he should do to be saved. Jesus tells him to obey and keep the commandments. When the young man replies in the affirmative, Jesus gives the advice in the verses above.


I've heard this story many times before--but as I read it again Jesus' advice struck me again. If Jesus asked me to give up all that I had, would I do it? Or as a 21st century American do I have so much stuff that I would feel like I couldn't possibly get rid of? Jesus doesn't always tell us to get rid of everything, sometimes it may just be a still small voice urging you to get rid of those bad movies or books or music or whatever. Do I love God enough, do I have enough "treasure in heaven" (Matthew 6:19-20) that I'd gladly do whatever God asked?


Dear God, help me to not love my stuff so much that I can't do whatever you ask. Amen.

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) click here.

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