"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Wonderful World of Wiggles: One Month!

Hey guys! This is Wiggles, and I'm wigglier than ever!

You may have wondered about the title of this article, since earlier this month I wrote a column entitled, "A Kitten's Mewsings". Well, I liked that title too, but then I realized that I'm not going to be a kitten forever! I'm growing up to be a big cat! So now I'm calling my column, "The Wonderful World of Wiggles"!

Today means that I've been with my new family one whole month. This month has been awesome, folks! First of all, my family let me out of isolation!! Now I can run free and play with the Big Cat! I'm just so happy that I'm let out now. I chase my tail. I run around. I run some more and chase my tail some more, I'm so happy!

The only problem is Big Cat. I'm so happy that I can play with him, that I leap on him! I pounce on his tail! I bite his neck! All he does is just run away from me, hissing. He'll even bite or bat at me sometimes! What a grouch. I don't see how he has any fun.

A couple days ago Mommy took me to the vet. I was pretty scared, but Mommy seemed pretty excited that I had gained two pounds in one month. "Two pounds! Two pounds! Two pounds!" she kept saying. For some reason or other she wants me to grow. I don't know for sure, but she says that when I get to four pounds and four months old she'll have me declawed. Declawed? Whaddya talkin' about?? I just don't get it. Why would somebody try to declaw me? Besides, I won't let them do it. I'll just scratch them till they go away!

Speaking of claws, I use them a lot! Like, I bite or claw anything and everything. I don't know why, it's just so much fun! I'm a cat and that's a fact! Rrrrrr...I'll bite ya and show you how tough I am! And then when I bite or chew some things or people, my family squirts me with Mr. Squirt. Mr. Squirt is a squirt bottle and sure sends some nasty stuff my way. First my family will tell me "no" before they spray, then they spray me. I still don't obey them much. Why don't they want me to bite and claw?? I'm a cat and that's a fact!

One of my favorite things to play with is my balls and my cat tree. My cat tree is just one post, but it sure is fun! I'll climb up there quick with my ears back like I'm a tough cat, and then bat my balls around. Sometimes I'll just play with the balls, tree, and myself for twenty minutes! Then I'm so tired I have to sleep and take a cat nap.

Well, that's 'bout it for what's happening to me right now. I'll tell ya more when it happens!

More wigglier than ever,


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