"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Monday, April 4, 2011

I, The Cat: The Intruder

Hi. I, The Cat, His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Entire House, Pumpkin Pie the First shall now tell you about how my life has gone from bad to worse!

A couple times ago I told you how my sort-of cat brother Felix went away forever. Well, for some reason my servants (otherwise known as humans), think they need another cat! Or they say that I need another cat, because, so say they, if I have no subjects to rule then I am not a king!

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? I'm sorry, but this is where I draw the line and give my royal verdict. No more cats! I can certainly be a king without another young foolish whippersnapper invading my royal, perfect kingdom. I am the king of my (heretofore) perfect domain, and my servants are my subjects. Hmph. Sometimes I just don't understand my servants!

So when I heard this kind of talk circulating, I had some good, long, heart-to-heart talks with my Mommy who calls me "Keke". I kept reminding her how fortunate she was that she had me, what a wonderful cat I was, and all of that great stuff. Even though my age may be in the double digits now, I kept reminding her how young and fun and kitten-like I still was. To prove this point, I leaped up on to my royal throne (also known as the top of the refrigerator) and chased my tail. I have not done that for a long time, and so I was sure that this act (even though very hard) would convince my subjects that they did not need another cat! Of course, they tried to console me saying that they would certainly keep me, but that they just wanted another cat too. Nonsense! I wouldn't hear any of it, and just stormed away in typical cat fashion.

Then a couple weeks ago my Mommy came home and brought in a little cat house! It was so cute and fun and blue, and I just knew it must be for me. I mean, what other cat lives around here but me? But I soon found out that this blue cat-house was for "the new kitty". WHAT? THE NEW KITTY?? I could not believe my ears. I still had a few heart-to-heart talks with my Mommy, but I knew my days as the only cat were numbered. From now on, I would constantly have to be on the alert, and not be the cat I used to be, reigning supreme without a care in the world. I would have to fight to retain my position! I thought my quandary was rather similar to young queen bees fighting for supremacy, and as one triumphs the other dies.

Last week, the day I had been dreading came. My humans got the cat carrier, carried it outside, and drove away. I knew what that meant: my beautiful, unchallenged reign of two months would be over in hours. Sure enough, a few hours later I saw my humans come back in, all aah-ing and ooh-ing over something in the cat carrier. Like they really had to tell me who was in there! I certainly knew. It was a young, foolish whippersnapper. A "wannabe" queen bee. And an intruder. All in cat form. All I knew was, I was not going to back down!

Swiftly they brought the Intruder inside, and deposited him--and that beautiful, wonderful cat-house--in the bathroom, shutting the door. Then they came out and gave me attention. Can you believe it? I just totally blew them off, and then investi-cated the cat carrier for all the information I could find.

Now there was a new noise in my heretofore perfect kingdom. An unpleasant, unwelcome noise. Mew, mew, mew, mew, mew, mew, mew! That little Intruder was making a racket, and then and there I decided to teach him a lesson. When he stuck his little paws through the door, I hissed! He did it again. I hissed again. I told him several things about living in my now-imperfect domain, chiefly that I AM IN CHARGE!

Mr. Intruder has stayed cloistered up in that bathroom for several days now, and I hope for many more too. If he doesn't he'll get taught some more lessons from Professor Pumpkin!

His Royal Highness,
King Emperor of the Entire House,
Pumpkin Pie the First

His Royal Highness, King Emperor of the Entire House, Pumpkin Pie the First

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