"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Who Am I? Clue: A Discouraged, Enlightened, Excited Disciple

Greetings, Israelite of Jerusalem! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! I saw him with my very own eyes! I must tell you how it happened!

I'm sure you've heard about how our chief priests and rulers arrested and crucified Jesus Christ three days ago, haven't you? You--like us--must have been in the deepest pit of despair. Many of us believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, coming to deliver Israel! I'm sure you remember hearing about all the miracles that this Jesus of Nazareth performed. And just last week Sunday, I'm sure you were part of the crowd welcoming Jesus on a donkey into Jerusalem! That, my friend, was prophecy fulfilled! [Zech. 9:9, Luke 24:17-21]

I didn't have any major part in Christ's work, but I sure was an earnest believer. This afternoon, my friend and I were walking the seven miles from Jerusalem to our homes in Emmaus. We were so downcast, so discouraged as we trudged home. Suddenly another traveler comes up from behind us, and asks us what we were talking about. We tell him about the terrible events that have happened. Right then, this traveler starts explaining the Old Testament prophecies about the Christ, all the way from the beginning! This traveler shows to us from the Scriptures everything concerning Christ, and how Christ has fulfilled every prophecy to a T! [Luke 24:13-14, 17-27]

As this traveler brought forth all the prophecies concerning Christ, my friend and I knew that our hearts were burning within us. We had never heard the prophecies like this! Too soon my friend and I reached the turn off for Emmaus, this traveler seemed like he was going on further. It was very late in the evening tonight, so I invited him to my home for the evening meal. So this traveler accepted my invitation. [Luke 24:28-29, 32]

Very soon after we reached my home, my wife had prepared a meal complete with bread for me, my friend, and this traveler. Surprisingly, this traveler took hold of the bread and prayed, as if he were hosting the meal. As this traveler passed the bread to my friend and I, our eyes were opened! It was JESUS, the RISEN JESUS that had expounded the Scriptures to us! It was him with whom we had been walking and talking! Immediately, my friend and I bowed in worship. And then, quick as a flash, Jesus disappeared! [Luke 24:30-31]

We didn't give a second thought to Jesus disappearing. It was enough that we had seen Jesus ALIVE! Immediately leaving our meal, my friend and I raced the seven miles back here to Jerusalem to tell everyone that we could, that Jesus was ALIVE! [Luke 24:33]

Jesus is ALIVE, my friend! Christ has RISEN from the dead! Praise God!

I must go now, and tell many more people that Jesus is ALIVE. Spread the news fast, my friend! The story flows with the wind, and feet have wings! Tell everyone you meet that Jesus is ALIVE! 

If you still haven't figured out my name, my name is...


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