"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Wonderful World of Wiggles: Two Months!

Hi, Folks! Well, today celebrates me being with my family for two months, and I'm (almost!) lovin' it!

Punky is still the same...one big ole' grump that does nothing but sleep around all the day. Thankfully he's not making those hideous "hissing" noises anymore, and we have lots of fun playing together! We chase and we bite and we fight and we run and we have sooo much fun together!

Even when that ole' grump is sleeping, I still have fun playing. I still have all my claws and paws, y'know, and I put them to good use! Now that it's summer my humans are walking around more and more with bare feet. I love to just run up to them out of the blue, tackle their foot, hold on hard, and give them a good biting and clawing. For some reason they don't like it, but I surely can't see why! It's gobs of fun!

Even without that ole' grump OR my moving human targets, I still have fun by myself. I have this green ball that I just LOVE to chase around the house, on and on and on and on and on! It's sooo much fun. When I bat at it, it moves! And whatever moves I bite! So I go bite that ball, give it a good scolding about moving away without my permission, and then send it on its' way. But it moves away again! What a disobedient ball. I have so much fun with it!

This month has been both terrible and wonderful for me. For the first half or so, my humans locked me in the bathroom, and never let me out for days on end! I mean, yeah, I did have my catbox, my food and water, and my toys, but the missing ingredient here is HUMANS to play and chase and bite with! I was so lonely, I had to find other distractions. Like...unrolling gobs and gobs of toilet paper! It is so much fun...I still don't see why my humans don't like it! Anyway, I was soooo glad when my family came back, I purred and I purred and I purred. I purr loud and often!

The second half of the month has been wonderful. My humans got me and that ole' grump a cat tree! There are three levels to it, and it's right by the window so we can see everything. The grump likes to hang out in the middle perch, but when I try to climb and claw my way to the uppermost perch, that ole' grump will fight me! He doesn't want me to be Top Cat, as he thinks he is in charge, and vertical space is very important to us cats. Sometimes, however, I get to the top perch anyway. And then, if you look at the picture, who do you think is really Top Cat??

Well, I better go now! I'll come back next month, and tell you more about The Wonderful World of Wiggles! Bye!


Endeavour's Final "Goodbye" to the ISS

Here's a nice little video of Endeavour undocking from the ISS on Sunday night, and then performing a final flyaround before leaving the International Space Station forever.

Remember, Endeavour comes home tomorrow morning, at 2:35am! Watch it live on NASA TV: www.nasa.gov/ntv


P.S.--Remember to come to my actual blog to view this video. :)

Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 8, Part 1

Good morning, everyone! Today's chapter (or more precisely, half-chapter) is Luke 8:1-25. These verses talk about Jesus telling the Parable of the Sower, a lamp on a stand, who Jesus' mother and brothers really are, and Jesus calming a storm. Today, I think I'm going to focus on the lamp-on-a-stand part for my SOAP. :)


"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." ~Luke 8:16


I think I'm going to once again draw a lesson that I heard at campmeeting last week! On one of the nights, the speaker quoted Romans 1:16:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile."

The speaker then went on to talk about being bold for God, to step out and take some risks (as in, you may not be so popular, etc.) for God. In other words, "hide it under a bushel, no! I'm gonna let it shine...".

As I listened to this message, I thought long and deep about me being bold for God. Was I really being bold for God in my life? I didn't think so. I've never thought that I'm particularly ashamed of the gospel, I just haven't been bold. I've just sat, and been lukewarm on this whole boldness issue.


I don't know for sure, but I think that Jesus may have had boldness in mind as he told the parable of the lamp on a stand. Let's see the verse again:

"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light."

Have we, as Christians, been bold for God lately? At times I wonder. How about you? Have you been bold for God, or have you been more like me, not being ashamed about the gospel, but not being bold either? Let's  pray to God right now and ask Him to help us to be bold.


Dear God, I've realized now that while I'm not really ashamed of your gospel, I haven't really been all that bold about it either. Please, come into my life and take control, and help me to know where and how you would want me to be bold for you. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Monday, May 30, 2011

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 14 Recap

Here's the Daily Mission Recap video for STS-134 Flight Day 14, which was May 29, 2011. This video shows the crew preparing for undocking and cleaning up the International Space Station. However, my favorite part of the video was the 360 panorama of Earth from the Cupola! You'll see what I mean when you watch the video, just be sure to come to my actual blog! :)

Endeavour is scheduled to land on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at Kennedy Space Center at 2:35am EDT. Watch it live on NASA TV at: www.nasa.gov/ntv!


Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 7

Good morning, everyone! Luke 7--today's chapter--shows Jesus doing what he does best: teaching and healing. Specifically, Luke 7 talks about the faith of the centurion, Jesus raising a widow's son to life, Jesus and John the Baptist, and Jesus anointed by a "sinful" woman.

While I liked the whole chapter, I think I'm going to focus my SOAP today on when Jesus raised the widow's son to life. It's just such a touching story!


"When the Lord saw her [the widow], his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry."" ~Luke 7:13


Jesus, his disciples, and a huge crowd were all walking down a road, leading to the town of Nain. Coming out from the city was a funeral procession, the dead body being a widow's only son. Even more than nowadays, back in Bible times this was a terrible predicament, as a woman needed someone to support her. With her husband and son gone...

The two parties meet. Jesus speaks to the weeping mother in the above Scripture verse, and then he raises the widow's son to life! The widow probably broke into tears again, that she was so happy! And everyone praised God for what he had done.


Sometimes people get the notion that God is harsh, exacting, cruel, and not interested in us. Nothing is farther from the truth! God is totally interested in each and every one of us, down to the smallest detail of our lives! As this story shows, God is a god of care and compassion. Isn't that wonderful?


Dear God, thank you for being who you are. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Remembering Endeavour & Her Final Grasp for the Heavens

Just when we all are getting sad about Endeavour returning home for the final time this week, out pops this video, helping us remember something equally spectacular that occurred just two weeks ago: Endeavour's final launch.

Most of NASA's videos are good, but a select few are spectacular. This video is spectacular. I was almost too scared to watch it--it's thirteen minutes. But it was awesome. This is a must-watch video! It's called "STS-134 Ascent Highlights", but it's so much more than that.

This video covers the building and history of Endeavour, and her final launch. But unlike other launch videos you may have seen, this video is much more. Beyond just one view of the skyward-rocketing shuttle, this video displays in beautiful slow motion all the different views from various cameras of the launch. The special effects and soundtrack are truly out-of-this-world! In addition to following the shuttle, this video also showcases the journey of the External Tank and the two white Solid Rocket Boosters.

In other words, this is the best video I have ever seen NASA put out. Come to my blog. Watch it!


Endeavour Leaves Station For Final Time & A Memorial Day Message

Today, the Space Shuttle Endeavour undocked from the International Space Station for the final time. Below are some videos--one of the astronauts' goodbyes, and another a Memorial Day message from space to Earth!

Remember, come to my actual blog to view these videos.


STS-134 and Expedition 28 say "Goodbye"

A Memorial Day message from STS-134 astronauts Greg Johnson and Andrew Feustel

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 13 Recap


Here's the STS-134 Daily Mission Recap video for Flight Day 13, which was May 28, 2011. In short, some of the astronauts answer kids' questions, and some misc. duties are completed around the Station. Come to my actual blog to view this video. 


Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 6

Good morning everyone! Today's chapter is Luke 6--Luke's version of the Sermon on the Mount, with a few other stories thrown in as well.

As you might suspect, there are so many good points from this chapter that I just must write about all of them! I promise they won't be long, and we'll get to our SOAPing pretty quickly. ;)

1. "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." ~Luke 6:27-28

Wow. Right now I'm so deep in thought that I don't have anything else to say! Definitely a challenge to meditate and pray on quite a bit. I don't know about you, but for me anyway this verse seems to go against everything I'd want to do. But since Jesus said it, I know that with his power and help that I can do it.

2. "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." ~Luke 6:36

Jesus uses this verse to sum up his discussion on loving our enemies. As I said, Wow. Enemies aside, it's hard enough for me to be merciful to the people I love! I don't know about you, but this is definitely an area where I could use some improvement.

3. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." ~Luke 6:37

Ahhhh! Does Jesus always have to hit upon such hard subjects?? I don't know about you, but for me at least I've realized that it is sooooo easy to judge other people! But then later I wish I hadn't judged. This lesson really hit home for me last summer when I was attending Cohutta. It was about one of my cabinmates, who I'm gonna call Mark. To me (a person who hates being late, always wants to be on time or a little early), Mark just drove me crazy because he would go so slow, and I thought he was lallygagging. He seemed to always it to line call thirty seconds before everyone had to be there, not the two-five minutes like I liked to be there. I didn't say anything out loud, but I had definitely judged Mark in my mind. I really didn't like him almost making us late so many times.

My whole outlook started to take a completely opposite view of Mark as the week ended. Towards Friday, Sabbath, and as we left on Sunday, Mark started to share about his home life. I felt terrible--I had no clue what a terrible, torn-apart life he was living. I felt really bad about the way I had judged Mark in my mind earlier.

Now I'm certainly not saying that now I've had this experience with Mark that I don't judge anyone anymore! That's far from the truth. But when I do starting judging someone, I try to catch myself and remember Mark.

4. "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." ~Luke 6:45

OK, OK, last point here before we SOAP! But this point was so good I just couldn't leave it out.

I think a story from Project Apollo illustrates this story well. Since I don't want to judge or condemn any of the astronauts (see previous point!!) I'm not going to release any names here. But I do want to share how what Jesus said in Luke 6:45 is so true.

Pretty much all the astronauts used language that I don't approve of. They would freely use this language with each other and with the people at NASA. However, the astronauts knew that the general public hated this language. So when they were in space and when they knew people could hear them, the astronauts would refrain from using certain words and would have clean conversations.

However, one time on one of the flights, two of the astronauts forgot that they had the mike set so everyone could hear what they were saying! That wasn't so bad until their spacecraft tumbled out of control, and they were truly in a life-or-death situation. In an emergency, I doubt that people think about what they are saying. Neither did the astronauts. One of the astronauts used some language, and everyone heard it and hated it. Later, when he was back on Earth, many people complained about what this astronaut said.

How does this story illustrate the verse? Let's see the verse again:

"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."

When you're in emergencies, you don't think about if what you're going to say is OK for the audience that is listening. "For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks" is very, very true. Now I have a question: sometime you will find yourself in an emergency. You won't have time to censor your language. Will what comes out of your mouth please God??

OK! Onto our SOAP! Sorry--I didn't realize how much I had to say!!


"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" ~Luke 6:46


Do you know what "Lord" means? Sometimes I think we just attach it to the name "Jesus Christ" without thinking another thought, or really knowing what it means. I seem to remember somewhere in John it talking about how the Gentiles lorded over other people. Basically, told them what to do!


So with that background in place, we now understand the very pointed question that Jesus asks:

"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"

Good question, Jesus! If we call ourselves Christians, but don't do what Christ says, what's the point of calling ourselves Christians? We're just spreading disdain on Christ, as other worldly people see us doing everything they do, but we call ourselves Christians. They won't see the change, the difference that is made when Christians truly follow Christ.

So I have a question for you: do you claim to follow Christ, but don't do what He says?


Dear Jesus, once again I'm totally surrendering myself to you. I know I've claimed to be a Christian, but that's really been in name only. Please, come into my life and make me a real Christian, doing what you want me to do. I love you. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Who Am I? Clue: A Believer In the True God In a Heathen Palace

Shhh....don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you! Because, you know, well, uh, you know how news travels fast! 

I work for Ahab, the wicked king of Israel. Even though I am forced to work for an evil king, I still know who's the true God. I am a devout believer of the true God in Heaven, and I obey him. In fact, I've even hid one hundred of the true God's prophets! See, well, you know, Jezebel, Ahab's hideous queen started killing off all the prophets of the true God. I grabbed a hundred of them, and put them in two caves, fifty prophets in each cave. It's been hard, but with my connections here at the palace, I've been able to supply them with food and water! [1 Kings 16:29, 31 and 18:3-4]

Oh, that's right. As of yet you don't understand quite what a feat that is. See, there's this huge famine in Israel right now, and everyone and everything is dieing. So it's quite hard to continue supplying food and water to these prophets, but I've done it. [1 Kings 18:2]

Have you ever heard of the prophet Elijah? I'm sure you have because by now EVERYONE's heard of Elijah! Three years ago he just appeared from nowhere, marching on into Ahab and telling the monarch that there'd be no more rain or dew until Israel returned its' allegiance to the true God. Even before Ahab or Jezebel had time to react, poof! Disappears Elijah to who knows where. Really. Ahab sent people to look all over Israel and every nation in the known world too. When different countries could not find Elijah, Ahab made them swear that they could not find him. Elijah was #1 on the "Most Wanted" list, but no one anywhere could find him. Elijah was truly one of God's prophets. Just like Elijah said, no rain or dew has fallen for three years now. [1 Kings 17:1, 18:1, 10]

Imagine my surprise when I'm out searching for water with Ahab when Elijah himself comes up to me! The prophet tells me to go fetch Ahab for him. Now, this is where I draw the line. It's obvious that Elijah has some secret disappearing power. There's not a nation on Earth where Ahab hasn't looked for Elijah! I told Elijah that I feared that I would be killed when I fetched Ahab for Elijah, and then found the prophet not there. Elijah promised that he would not disappear and that he would see Ahab that day. I went and fetched Ahab, and thankfully Elijah was still there. That's where Elijah told Ahab to tell all Israel to assemble atop Mount Carmel. [1 Kings 18:7-17]

Do you know who I am by now? I'm can't tell too many people who I am, but my name is...


Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 5

Welcome to Luke 5, everyone! This chapter deals with Jesus recruiting some of his first disciples, as well as some of his first miracles.

There are many thrilling stories and I'm sure several nice lessons to learn from this chapter, but today I'm going to SOAP on a verse most people probably wouldn't have chosen...


"Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today."" ~Luke 5:26


This verse comes right after Jesus performs one of his awesome miracles. After the miracle, everyone was amazed!


I know this is kinda continuing the lesson I pulled out yesterday, but it is so good I must say it again: When you totally surrender yourself to God, He will use you and you will see remarkable things happen! You will be a fantastic witness for God, and everyone will be amazed at what He is doing.


Dear God, I know I've said this before, but I do say it again with a sincere heart: I surrender all to You. I know that I can't do this by myself. Please help me to stick with this decision, and when I have a fight with self, help me to still stay surrendered to You. I know that when I do surrender all to You, amazing and remarkable things will happen. Please show me what You would want me to do. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Friday, May 27, 2011

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 12 Recap

This morning, I watched a historical event happen right in front of my eyes.

Well, to tell the truth, it wasn't quite in front of my eyes, because I was stuck down here on Earth and the event was taking place at the International Space Station! But still, I felt very privileged to watch live the end of the fourth and final spacewalk (or "EVA", for "Extra-Vehicular Activity) for STS-134. Executed by shuttle astronauts Mike Fincke (depicted above) and Greg Chamitoff, with the end of this spacewalk this morning came the end of spacewalks conducted by any shuttle crew.

Even though there is one more shuttle mission left to fly, on this next-to-last mission any spacewalks conducted by shuttle astronauts has come to an end. Period. Done. Forever. While that is kind of sad, it's cool to know that the construction of the International Space Station is finally complete. After over 1,000 hours of spacewalking, and 12 years of construction, the ISS is finally all built. Wow.

So much for all serious blabber! Here (below) is a video chronicling Flight Day 12--also known as today--for STS-134. Naturally, most of the video chronicles EVA 4, and tributes to the shuttle, EVA, and ISS construction teams. Enjoy--don't forget to come to my actual blog to see it! :D


P.S.--I almost forgot to remind you that Endeavour is landing June 1, 2011 at Kennedy Space Center (hopefully!). It's gonna be at 2:35am EDT...but for the crazy few who are going watch it live (including myself!) go to www.nasa.gov/ntv to watch at the appropriate time.

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 12 Recap

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 11 Recap

Hi All--here's yet another Daily Mission Recap video for STS-134. Flight Day 11 translates into Thursday, May 26, 2011 for the rest of us, which was also yesterday. Mainly, this video covers a very interesting interview with the astronauts.


P.S.--Remember, come to my actual blog to view this video.

Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 4

Today's Bible chapter is Luke 4, on the temptations of Jesus and Jesus starting up his ministry all over Galilee.
Are you ready for some cleansing? Don't forget SOAP!


"Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside." ~Luke 4:14


It's campmeeting time in our little corner of Tennessee right now. Campmeeting is lots of fun--kind of like church for half a week. Starting Wednesday night, and continuing through the end of the week, there are wonderful and powerful messages, activities, and seminars for all age groups.

It just so happens that campmeeting is going on right now! I've been attending the meetings for youth, and they've been excellent. Last night our speaker was talking to us youth about being leaders. About how we as youth need to be the leaders of today--not tomorrow. Get involved with our churches now--not at some later time. Our speaker was saying that if we just let God have our all, we couldn't imagine the things He will do through us!

I wonder if our speaker had this verse in mind when he was speaking to us last night. Either way, I think Luke 4:14 goes along very well with this subject. Let's read it again:

"Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside."


I don't know who you are. But whoever you may be--child, teen, adult--God can use you. Yes, you! And He can use you now. It may be challenging to think that God could use you now, just as you are. But it's true! You don't need to grow up or be a pastor or do a whole bunch of other things before God can use you, even though He uses adults and pastors, too. All God needs is for you to wholly surrender yourself to Him, and let Him use you as He wants too. I promise you, once you do, you won't believe what He does, it is so big and grand and awesome! I know I've seen this personally in my own life.

So it doesn't matter what stage of life you may be in. Give it all to God--and He will use you to accomplish His goals in marvelous ways!


Dear God, I surrender myself to You. Please lead me, guide me, help me to know what You would want me to do. Please give me the strength, the courage, and the willingness to do whatever You want me to do. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Launching When You're NOT on the Space Shuttle

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be on a shuttle launch, but not actually be in the shuttle? How about, maybe, the Solid Rocket Boosters? Theses two skinny white rockets help the shuttle skyward, but at a certain point they fall back to the ocean, where they are pulled on in and refitted for another launch. For every launch, there are cameras on the Solid Rocket Boosters, and at some point NASA releases the video taken by these cameras. Well, here 'tis for STS-134!! It's TOTALLY awesome!!!! The entire video is almost 40 minutes, but even just watching the first 50 seconds is cool!! It's so neat seeing the launch for a different perspective.


P.S.--Remember to come to my actual blog to view this video.

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 10 Recap

Here's another video chronicling STS-134's awesome journey into space. This video, on Flight Day 10 (yesterday), mainly covers Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke executing EVA 3.


P.S.--And oh, yeah. Please come to my actual blog to view this video!

Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 3

Before you begin to read this article, I'd like to ask a favor of you: please pray for the recent tornado victims. Tennessee and the whole southeast is only barely starting to recover from the April 27 tornadoes, and now I hear of several tornadoes in the Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma region. Please pray for these people right now.

Thank you so much for praying! That really means a lot to me, and I'm sure to the people who were affected as well. Today's chapter is Luke 3, which is on John the Baptist, Jesus' baptism, and Jesus' genealogy. I thought that Jesus' genealogy was really really cool--it shows how Jesus was related to God...through humans! Read it sometime...it's fascinating.


"The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." ~Luke 3:9


This is John the Baptist talking, urging the people to return to God before it was too late. He was trying to convey to them how close they were to destruction, but they still had one last chance! The ax may be at the root of the tree, and the tree is about to die, but before the ax cuts, the tree is still alive. Same thing with people, John the Baptist said. You have one last chance to return to God! Do it before it's too late!

John went onto say how that every tree that didn't produce fruit would be cut down and cast into the fire. I wonder if Jesus had John's words ringing in his ears as Jesus taught his disciples about the vine and the branches:

"If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned." ~John 15:6


The good news is that if you're reading this article right now, it's not too late for you! You can still come back to Jesus, and not be cut down. Maybe you've followed Christ for all or most of your life, but now realize that you have just been going through the actions. Half-heartedly done all the "right" stuff. Now as you read this you realize that you have this desire to really, truly have a vibrant, living relationship and connection with God.


Dear God, I haven't been doing all that I should. Please forgive me, and help me to now how a real and vibrant connection and relationship with You. Help me not to be an old scraggly tree about to be cut down. Help me to be a living, vibrant, and green tree growing and living in You. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 2

Today's chapter is Luke 2--one of those chapters that you're sure you could recite backwards, because the chapter contains such familiar stories!

What stories? Well, there's the birth of Jesus, and the angels appearing to the shepherds, who right away go see Baby Jesus. But in addition to these familiar stories, Luke 2 also contains some lesser-known, but nonetheless important and exciting stories such as Jesus being dedicated in the Temple as a baby, and then when He was 12, visiting the Temple himself. Jesus visiting the Temple as a boy is where I'm going to focus my attention today. Let's SOAP!


"After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it." ~Luke 2:43


Mary and Joseph had been entrusted with an extremely important responsibility, but then in just one day of assuming what was not, they lost track of Him. It took three long days for them to find Jesus again.


We all know this from experience--it's easier to lose thing than to find them! And Jesus is no different. We may not have to physically find Him, but it surely is easy to lose Him. To lose your connection, happiness, and relationship with Him.

Every day, let's spend some time with Jesus. Pray to Him like you would your best friend, and read out of the Bible--that's Him speaking to you. Don't lose track of him.


Dear God, help me to never lose track of You. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

"Before this Decade is Out..."

Fifty years ago today, President John F. Kennedy launched America on what has been perhaps the most exciting adventure and exploration of all time: Project Apollo, which journeyed to, landed on, and explored the Moon. Not even three weeks had elapsed since Alan Shepard had come back from his 15-minute suborbital flight, and still Kennedy challenged America to go to the Moon. Just over eight years later, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Mike Collins helped make Kennedy's challenge come true.

Fifty years ago today. Today, let us remember a time in our nation's history when we made bold moves and did exciting things.


P.S.--you'll want to come to my actual blog to view this video.

P.P.S.--below is another video on Kennedy's challenge, complete with some awesome video and commentary by John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, and Chris Kraft.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 9 Recap

Here's another awesome Daily Mission Recap video, courtesy of NASA...this time on STS-134's ninth day in space (also known as today)! Mainly, this video covers Commander Mark Kelly exercising, a partial tour of the ISS, and Drew Feustel explaining how much fun playing music in space is...he even demonstrates with a keyboard! :D


P.S.--Remember, come to my actual blog to view this video.

An Italian, A Russian, and an American

Yesterday was a very exciting day in space! Why? Because two astronauts and one cosmonaut left the International Space Station, boarded their Soyuz, and came home to Mother Earth. Dmitry Kondratyev, Cady Coleman, and Paolo Nespoli performed a textbook landing in Kazakstan, after over five months in space. I was able to watch their landing live last night, and it was a lot of fun...except that the camera lost track of the capsule right as it landed! :P Oh well. Thankfully, the landing video that I've included with this article keeps better track of the Soyuz! Anyway, here's some nice videos chronicling Expedition 27's return voyage!


P.S.--Don't forget to come to my actual blog to view these videos.

Expedition 27 says goodbye

Expedition 27 undocks from the ISS

Expedition 27 completes a bulls-eye, picture-perfect landing in Kazakstan

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 8 Recap

Here's a nice video on what the Endeavour crew was up to yesterday! Mainly, this video highlights Italian astronauts Roberto Vittori and Paolo Nespoli talking to the president of Italy, and proudly waving the Italian flag very high!


P.S.--Remember to come to my actual blog to view this video.

Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 1, Part 2

Well, today we get to finish up the first chapter of Luke! As usual, it was totally wonderful.

The second half of Luke 1 concentrates on the same people that the first half of Luke 1 concentrates on. For example, right after Gabriel appears to Mary, she travels to Elizabeth's home and stays there a few months, until John the Baptist is born. As the naming process unfolds, Zechariah and Elizabeth's neighbors are incredulous when they find out that the baby's name won't be Zechariah! Finally they ask the still-not-talking Zechariah what he wants to name the baby. He motions for some writing material and writes,

"His name is John." ~Luke 1:63

Immediately afterwards, God loosens Zechariah's tongue, and the aged priest once again speaks. This time, he praises God for all the wonderful things he has done.


"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior," ~Luke 1:46-47


Praise to God--this is what I got most out of the second half of Luke 1. When Mary arrives at Elizabeth's place, Mary breaks into song and praises God. After John the Baptist is born, and Zechariah's tongue loosened, he breaks into song and praises God.


I don't know about you, but I've certainly found in my life that it is a lot easier to concentrate on the negative things in my life more than the positive. But when I sit down and recount all the positive things that have happened in my life that day, I find I have much to be grateful for! So it's not that there are not positive things happening; it's just that we don't seem to take notice of them very much.

Today's Bible reading really reinforced to me the concept of praising God and thanking Him for what he has done for us. Today, I have a challenge for you. You'll need some paper and a pencil to start with. At the end of your day, write down five happy, positive things that have happened to you that day. Do this for one week. 

I started keeping a "thankful" journal last month, and even though I was miserable with a cold, I can't tell you how many things I found I was thankful for! I really don't know why, but at the end of the day when you see all these great things in your life, you feel a lot better.

So keep a "thankful" journal for one week. You'll be surprised at how many things you're thankful for!


Dear God, thank you for letting me read this Scripture passage today, and thank you for reminding me of the importance of being thankful. Help me to be more thankful for the positive things in my life during the next week. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Expedition

This is a very nice video in which Expedition 27 Commander Dmitry Kondratyev hands over the reins of the ISS to Expedition 28 Commander Andrey Borisenko. As Kondratyev, Cady Coleman, and Paolo Nespoli departed for Earth yesterday, Expedition 27 ended and Expedition 28 began. Kondratyev, Coleman, and Nespoli are scheduled to land their Soyuz in Kazakstan at 10:26pm EDT tonight. Borisenko, Ron Garan, and Alexander Samokutyaev will remain on the Station until September. Next month, they will be welcoming the three remaining Expedition 28 crew members.


Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 7 Recap

Here's the Daily Mission Recap video for Flight Day 7 of STS-134. Can you believe that the crew has been in space for a week?? I sure can't! Even though I'm not in space with them, it seems like the mission is just slipping away! Oh well. At least there is another 9 days to go! :)

Anyway, this very nice video talks about Flight Day 7, or May 22, 2011. Mostly, it highlights EVA 2, executed by Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke.


Blogging Through The Gospels: Luke 1, Part 1

Wow, welcome to Luke, everyone!! I just can't believe we're basically half-done already, the time has just gone so fast and it's been so much fun to take just a chapter a day and then blog on that.

Today's chapter is Luke 1, as you might suspect. However, since this chapter is so long, Amy over at Mom's Toolbox has wisely split this chapter into two days. Today is naturally part 1 of the chapter, covering verses 1-38.

These verses describe two stories. First, the angel Gabriel comes to the elderly priest Zechariah while he was serving in the temple, and Gabriel tells Zechariah that he and his wife Elisabeth will be found with child soon. Zechariah doesn't believe that this can happen, so God makes it so Zechariah can't talk at all until the baby is born. This baby grows up to be John the Baptist. About six months later, Gabriel again makes an appearance, this time to a young virgin girl named Mary. Gabriel reveals to the astounded Mary that she will be with child, and that her child will be the Son of God.

Before we get on with our SOAP, I'd kinda like to point out one thing. When Zechariah hears of what is going to happen, he responds,

"How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years." ~Luke 1:18

After Zechariah says this, Gabriel gives a punishment, because of Zechariah's unbelief. But when Gabriel comes to Mary, and she says something similar...

""How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"" ~Luke 1:34

And in the situation of Mary, Gabriel doesn't give her a punishment. Zechariah and Mary basically said the same thing; they both asked how this would be, and gave a reason that they couldn't do it. But God punishes one and not the other. I was wondering why that might be as I read this chapter today.

OK. Let's SOAP!


"The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."" ~Luke 1:28


As you might remember, this is how the angel Gabriel approaches Mary.


God wants to do marvelous, wonderful things through us. Are we as willing to do what God wants as Mary was?

""I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her." ~Luke 1:38


Dear God, I know that you want to do wonderful and marvelous things through me. Please, help me to become willing to do what you want me to do. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spiders in Space???

Well, I never would have thought about it myself, but there are spiders in space. WHAT? I hear you say. Yes, I know, but still, there are two spiders who call the International Space Station their home. Scientists--and the astronauts--are interested to see how the spiders create their webs in space. If you'd like to see a video of the spiders, come to my actual blog and view it!


Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Days 5 & 6 Recap

Drew Feustel waving to the camera on EVA 1.
Here's some daily mission recap videos for Friday and yesterday. On Friday, the big news was Drew Feustel and Greg Chamitoff completing EVA 1 which lasted over six hours. Yesterday, the big news was that on a focused inspection of Endeavour's underside, some damage was found, and the thermal protection was put into question. Mission managers have analyzed the data, however, and have given Endeavour a "go" for re-entry when that time comes.

Enjoy these videos on what STS-134 is doing in space! :) Remember, come to my actual blog to see these videos.


Daily Mission Recap video for Flight Day 5 of STS-134. Highlights Drew Feustel and Greg Chamitoff on their 6.5 hour spacewalk, EVA 1.

Daily Mission Recap video for Flight Day 6 of STS-134. Highlights the inspection of Endeavour's thermal protection system, a meeting with the Pope, and a very nice tour of Endeavour and the International Space Station. 

Blogging Through The Gospels: Mark 16

Today we study Mark 16...the last chapter in Mark! Wow, but the time has sure gone by quickly. I cannot believe we are almost half way finished!

Mark 16 is one of my favorite chapters ever...because Jesus is raised to life in this chapter! There are some other pretty neat stories in the Bible, but I don't think any story can top Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection!

Let's SOAP!


"Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it." ~Mark 16:20


Naturally, when some of the women saw Jesus or an angel, the remaining eleven disciples did not believe a word they said. Jesus, alive? It was a wonderful story, but the disciples didn't want to be misled, so they doubted the women's stories.

Finally, Jesus appears to all the disciples as they are gathered together eating. He rebukes them for their doubting, and tells them that they should of listen to the women who had indeed seen him after he was raised from the dead. Then and there, Jesus gives the Great Commission, and then ascends to heaven. Then today's Scripture records what the disciples did after Jesus ascended to heaven.


I really like what the disciples did in our Scripture passage today. After Jesus rose to heaven, they didn't just sit around and mope saying, "Take the gospel to the WORLD??? How we gonna do THAT???" Instead, they prayed for God to be with them, and then started preaching in Jerusalem. God was with them, and helped give credit to their message....which was also his message.

Has God asked you to do something big, or scary? Always remember that if he told you to do it, he will help you to do it, and will see you through.


Dear God, thank you for letting me read this chapter today. Help me to always remember that whenever you give me something to do, you will always help me through as well. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blogging Through The Gospels: Mark 15

Today's Bible reading is Mark 15, which covers Jesus' crucifixion. It's a very moving, touching, and thought-provoking chapter. It's just so amazing and incredible to think about what Jesus did for us. If you have a minute, or even just a few seconds, please pause reading this article and read Mark 15! Grab a Bible and read it for yourself. If you don't have a Bible handy, read Mark 15 online here.

As I was turning on the computer to blog this morning, I was deep in thought. Somehow a song that I sing in Sabbath School, "Above All", kept running through my head. It's really quite a powerful song, focused on how Jesus was crucified for us. Therefore, I found a very nice video version of it and posted it with this article. You'll want to come to my actual blog to view this video, though.  You'll see how powerful "Above All" is when you watch/listen to it. The lyrics about Jesus being crucified aren't right at the start, but they do come up pretty quickly. Oh, and if you don't want the adds (like "Pray for Japan and Libya", or "Jesus love you!", etc.) just go to the top-right corner of that particular add and "x" it off.

OK. Let's SOAP!

""What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?" Pilate asked them." ~Mark 15:12


The Jews had just told Pilate that they'd rather have Barabbas the murderer free than Jesus the Life-Giver. Now Pilate asks what he should do with Jesus in our Scripture passage.  We all know the story. The Jews start screeching, "Crucify him!" until they finally get their way.


Just like the Jews, you have the same choice of what to do with Jesus. What will you do? Will you choose to crucify your King, like the Jews did? And I don't mean physically crucifying him. When you watch movies, or read books, or place yourself in certain positions, or do a whole host of other things that Jesus wouldn't approve of, you are indeed crucifying him.

On the other hand, you can accept Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life. You will give him eternal happiness with your choice, and you will receive so much in return. You can have constant communication with your dearest Friend who is interested in even the smallest part of your life. Through various ways, He will tell you what you should do. And someday soon, he will take you to live with him forever.

So I have a question for you: Will you mock, beat, torture and crucify Him to death? Or will you accept him as the Lord and Savior of your life?


Dear God, I now acknowledge you as the Lord and Savior of my life. I know that means giving you total and complete control, but I know that you will never ask me to do something that is not in my best interests. Thank you for being there for me, and dieing on the cross so someday soon I can live with you forever. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Hanged on Your Own Gallows

One of the highlights of my week is when my two best friends and I get together for a Bible study. Recently we've been going through the book of Esther, and have been learning some very important lessons! A few weeks ago we were discussing Esther 7, in which Haman--also known as chief enemy of the Jews--is hanged.
My friends and I were talking about the irony of Haman building 75-foot high gallows for his enemy (in this case, Mordecai the Jew) and then the next day be hung on those same gallows.

Basically, in other words, being hanged on your own gallows. You've put all this hard work and money into the gallows, just to get the devilish joy out of watching your enemy die. And then the king hangs you on your own gallows. How would you feel about that? I can't tell you how much I wish I knew what was running through Haman's mind when he found out what his punishment was to be!

While we living in the 21st century may not physically build gallows and then be hanged on them, do we still kind of do the same thing in a different way? I think when we have guilt over doing something we know we shouldn't do we are hanged on our own gallows. For example, when we are thinking about a sin, we may just do it, trying not to think about whether we should do it or not. After we've committed the transgression, we feel really bad about it. The "feeling bad" part is what I'm talking about. After we've sinned, we are figuratively hanged on our own gallows.

It's not fun to figuratively be hanged on our own gallows. We feel guilty, sorry for the sin that we've committed. The good news is that Jesus Christ will forgive us our sins! 1 John 1:9--

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Of course, this verse doesn't mean that we have a free license to do absolutely whatever we want and God will still forgive us. What this verse does say is that when we sin and are truly sorry for what we've done, God will forgive us. One part of this verse that I feel is brushed aside but is nevertheless important is the last part:

"purify us from all unrighteousness."

After we confess our sins, God will forgive us. But that's not where he stops! He goes further than just forgiving us--he purifies us. He purifies, changes us so that we won't want to sin anymore. If we ask him, God will strengthen us so we will and can resist temptation.

Isn't that wonderful? With God on our side, we won't have to be hanging on our own gallows. We will be free and happy living wonderful lives with him.

Are you still hanging on your own gallows, or are you living guilt-free with Jesus??

Friday, May 20, 2011

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 4 Recap

Here's the Daily Mission Recap video for Flight Day 4 (yesterday) of Endeavour and STS-134. The big achievements were installing the AMS on the ISS (yippee, now everyone will know where the universe came from! :P Just crack a Bible to Genesis 1--scientists sure don't have to spend billions on finding out that!!) and Drew Feustel and Greg Chamitoff prepare for their spacewalk on Friday. Remember to come to my actual blog to view this video.

Speaking of their spacewalk--as I write this at 7:13am EDT, Drew Feustel and Greg Chamitoff are executing their spacewalk right now, and will continue to do so until about 9am EDT this morning. Go to www.nasa.gov/ntv to watch it live before they complete the spacewalk! They started about 3am EDT, and of course continue for about six hours.

Remember to come to my actual blog to view this video.

Blogging Through The Gospels: Mark 14, Part 2

Today we finish up Mark 14, the chapter we started yesterday. Since we only went through verse 42 yesterday, today we will cover the rest of Mark 14, verses 43-72!

The second half of Mark 14 contains some very important and thought-provoking stories, such as Jesus being arrested, Jesus before the Sanhedrin (being falsely accused with false witnesses in a Jewish court), and Peter disowning Jesus.

There are some really awesome lessons in here--such as don't betray Jesus--but since I already used that lesson for the same stories in Matthew, I don't want to use it again. I do think that it will be harder for me to think of new, fresh lessons to write about as I get deeper into the Blogging Through The Gospels program and as I continue reading more and more Gospels! Oh well.

But that's enough about me. Let's get on to our SOAP! Ready for your daily shower?? ;)


"The men seized Jesus and arrested him...Then everyone deserted him and fled." ~Mark 14:46, 50


These two verses that I selected came from when Jesus was being arrested. The first verse is pretty self-explanatory; but I think I shall explain the second verse. A couple events and a few minutes had passed since Jesus was arrested. Jesus' disciples are still in abject shock. Fearing for their lives, in case that they might be captured too, they flee. All of them. As far away from Jesus as they possibly can.


Now don't get me wrong; I'm certainly not blaming the disciples for what they did. I can assure you, I'd do the exact same thing that they did if I was in their position! But still, today I want to talk about faithfulness.
When you're at school, work, home, or other places, do you just stick around people when the times are good? Are you just a "sunshine" friend in your friendships, relationships, and other interactions with people?   God wants us to not just stick by our friends and family when there's sunshine, but when there's rain, thunder, and lightning! Often, it's in the hard times that people need friends and family the most.

Do you stick by your friends and family as much as you could? I think that all of us have room to improve. See what Jesus has to say in Matthew 7:7-8:

"Ask, and it will be given to you...for everyone who asks receives"

So God will help us on our quest to be more faithful to our friends and family! Isn't that wonderful? We certainly can't do it on our own, but see what Jesus says in Matthew 19:26:

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Today I challenge you. Be more faithful to your friends. Your family. And most importantly, be faithful to God.


Dear God, help me to be more faithful to my friends, family, and You. I know I can't do this on my own, but I know that you are more than willing to help me. Please help me. Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

California, Part 4: Eating Pizza and Being Lazy

In this fourth and final post about my wonderful California vacation, I'm going to talk about what we did in our down time at my grandparents' home, and our journey back to Tennessee.

Of course I spent a good chunk of my time on Grandpa's computer, whether it be finding information on geocaches, researching on Amazon, or browsing on Facebook. We also watched movies such as In the Shadow of the Moon, The National Parks, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel. I really enjoyed watching Jeopardy! as well--it's a very nice educational game show. I also really enjoyed meeting up with my uncle Doug and cousin Ed. It was very nice to see them again, since I hadn't seen them since last year.

Now I shall explain the title of this article. Other than being catchy, I wanted to have a title that sort of explained some of the things we did at my grandparents' home. Certainly a high point in our vacation was when my grandpa ordered pizza for us all! It was extremely yummy. And of course, I do enjoy being lazy once in a while! :D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 3 Recap

Here's a very exciting video of the STS-134 mission highlights that occurred yesterday, which is also known as Flight Day 3. In short, docking with the ISS, greetings and hugs as STS-134 comes aboard the Station, and the installation Express Logistics Carrier 3 on the ISS. Be sure to come to my actual blog to view this awesome video!


Blogging Through The Gospels: Mark 14, Part 1

In today's Bible reading we cover roughly the first half of Mark 14, which is on a woman pouring oil on Jesus' head, the Lord's Supper, Jesus predicting Peter's denial, and Gethsemane. I must admit, today has been the hardest SOAP to think of and write to date, as I have covered most of the same stories and lessons in Matthew!


"She has done a beautiful thing to me...she did what she could." ~Mark 14:6,8


Shortly before his death, Jesus attends a feast at Simon the Leper's home. (I seem to remember from somewhere that Jesus healed Simon from his leprosy.) While Jesus is reclining and enjoying the feast, a woman comes and pours a very expensive perfume on his head. Soon everyone is aware of this woman's deed, and some people loudly whisper about what a waste this perfume was--c'mon, you could of sold the money and helped the poor!

I'm sure this woman was quite embarrassed and probably was trying to exit with as much dignity as possible when Jesus spoke up for her. He said many complimentary things about her, including our scripture for today. Jesus told everyone that they would always have the poor, but they wouldn't always have Jesus. Jesus further commended her for preparing his body for burial.


What I like about this story is that Jesus accepted the gift that this woman gave him. He recognizes that she did what she could, and he praised her for doing a beautiful thing to him. But I have a feeling that the actual gift itself didn't matter too much. Jesus was just too pleased to have one of his children come and give him what they could. I seem to feel that a child giving Jesus a hand-picked dandelion in sincerity would have just as much effect. I just think that it's really cool that to Jesus, the size of the gift doesn't matter. If it's given  sincerely, the size doesn't matter.

That point is very helpful to me. Sometimes when I want to help and give a lot of money or help to say, Japan or the local tornado victims, I might feel like I can't do much good if I don't give or help a lot. But this story shows me that just a little bit--whatever I can do or give--can help!

Remember that if you are sincerely giving something to Jesus, it doesn't matter the size. He appreciates it all, just the same.


Dear God, thank you for letting me read this passage. Help me to remember that I don't have "do something big" for you to think that I've "done something big". Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Endeavour/STS-134 Flight Day 2 Recap

Here's the second awesome daily mission recap video for Endeavour/STS-134. This video covers yesterday--May 17, 2011. This is a really fun video to watch--the gorgeous views of the South China Sea, Drew Feustel prepping some of the EVA suits, and the entire crew eating. And more!

This morning (about 6:14am) I watched live the docking of Endeavour to the International Space Station. It was wonderful, and lots of fun to watch. I'll post a video of the docking when NASA posts it. :) Enjoy!


P.S.--Remember, come to my actual blog to view this video.

Blogging Through The Gospels: Mark 13

Welcome back, everyone! I can hardly believe that we are almost done with Mark--only three chapters more to go! It seems like we just started Mark!

Anyway. Today's chapter is Mark 13, and in it Jesus talks about the signs of his coming--basically, the same material as in Matthew 24. Still, I learned some new things. Let's get on with our SOAP!


"So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time...when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door...what I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!'" ~Mark 13:23, 29, and 37


So I couldn't just pick one verse today! I decided on three verses that I found at various places in the chapter.  
After his disciples ask what will be the signs of the end, Jesus complies and tells them that there will be wars, famines, earthquakes (see any of that lately??), and persecution.  That's when Jesus says the first part of our Scripture passage today, from v. 23:

"So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time."

Isn't it wonderful that we have a God who has told us what will be happening in the future? And we know whatever He says is true!

I also really like v. 29:

"when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door."

Jesus is coming soon! When you invite company to your home, you (and they) are very close to starting the visit when your company is at your door, ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door. Just about the only thing left to happen before Jesus comes is found in v. 10:

"And the gospel must first be preached to all nations."

And then the end will come. Jesus is coming soon! He's right at the door!

OK, onto our final verse, verse 37:

"what I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!'"

This is how Jesus finishes his discourse on signs of the end times. What does he say? Read it again! When somebody is finishing up a lecture, discourse, or even an article, they try to sum up the main points towards the end of their piece. The above verse is Jesus' final thoughts to the disciples on the end times. And what does he say?

"what I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!'"

He's not just telling the disciples to watch for his coming, he's telling us to do the same too! We need to faithfully watch for Jesus' soon second coming.


Whatever Jesus says about the future, you can count on that being right. He never fails in his predictions and prophecies! Jesus is coming soon, and he's telling everyone to watch for it. Am I watching, are you watching for Jesus' soon second coming?


Dear God, thank you for letting me read this chapter on You coming back to this earth soon. Please help me to be ready, and not so caught up in my daily life that I'm not eagerly watching and waiting forYou. Come soon Lord Jesus! Amen. 

P.S.--To learn more about this blogging-through-the-gospels program, or if YOU would like to join yourself (you're more than welcome-jump right in!!) go to: http://www.momstoolbox.com/