"We shall individually be held responsible for doing one jot less than we have ability to do...But when we give ourselves wholly to God, and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." ~Messages to Young People, p. 309

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Wonderful World of Wiggles: Two Months!

Hi, Folks! Well, today celebrates me being with my family for two months, and I'm (almost!) lovin' it!

Punky is still the same...one big ole' grump that does nothing but sleep around all the day. Thankfully he's not making those hideous "hissing" noises anymore, and we have lots of fun playing together! We chase and we bite and we fight and we run and we have sooo much fun together!

Even when that ole' grump is sleeping, I still have fun playing. I still have all my claws and paws, y'know, and I put them to good use! Now that it's summer my humans are walking around more and more with bare feet. I love to just run up to them out of the blue, tackle their foot, hold on hard, and give them a good biting and clawing. For some reason they don't like it, but I surely can't see why! It's gobs of fun!

Even without that ole' grump OR my moving human targets, I still have fun by myself. I have this green ball that I just LOVE to chase around the house, on and on and on and on and on! It's sooo much fun. When I bat at it, it moves! And whatever moves I bite! So I go bite that ball, give it a good scolding about moving away without my permission, and then send it on its' way. But it moves away again! What a disobedient ball. I have so much fun with it!

This month has been both terrible and wonderful for me. For the first half or so, my humans locked me in the bathroom, and never let me out for days on end! I mean, yeah, I did have my catbox, my food and water, and my toys, but the missing ingredient here is HUMANS to play and chase and bite with! I was so lonely, I had to find other distractions. Like...unrolling gobs and gobs of toilet paper! It is so much fun...I still don't see why my humans don't like it! Anyway, I was soooo glad when my family came back, I purred and I purred and I purred. I purr loud and often!

The second half of the month has been wonderful. My humans got me and that ole' grump a cat tree! There are three levels to it, and it's right by the window so we can see everything. The grump likes to hang out in the middle perch, but when I try to climb and claw my way to the uppermost perch, that ole' grump will fight me! He doesn't want me to be Top Cat, as he thinks he is in charge, and vertical space is very important to us cats. Sometimes, however, I get to the top perch anyway. And then, if you look at the picture, who do you think is really Top Cat??

Well, I better go now! I'll come back next month, and tell you more about The Wonderful World of Wiggles! Bye!



    That post is purrrr~fect!!!

  2. Wiggles is so cute!
    P.S. You can stop by and follow us at ccipuppyblog.blogspot.com
